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This is it. This is the day that I'm finally meeting Justin. After all these years of our relationship, I'm finally meeting him. 14 months ago was a horrible time for me. Justin and Hailey got married. But now the two are eventually gonna sign the divorce papers and were gonna start talking again. I'm not sure if they've signed it or not.

I walked to the door and rang the bell. This is it. My heart is racing, sweat is coming down my throat.

The person who opened the door was someone awfully familiar. It was Justin's old housekeeper, Tatiana. "Selena, darling!" her accent came out as she spoke.
"please come in" she assured for me to come inside.

The place still hadn't changed. He still had he's pictures on he's wall. He still has a black couch. And I noticed he had some pictures of me and him when we were younger.

"Place hasn't changed" I dropped my bags and sat down.

"Mr Bieber likes the memories I guess. You want tea or coffee?" she asked me as she strolled to the kitchen.

"Uh the usual" I told her, indicating the one I usually take.

She smiled and called Justin and Hailey name. I was so nervous. "She's here?" I heard he's voice say. God, he's voice is so deep.

He came in the room and the minute I saw him, all those feelings rushed back. "fuck......" he whispered softly. I guess h felt the same way.

"Uh.." I adjusted myself on the chair "Hey, how are you?" I aksed him.

Nervous and anxiousness was all over he's face. I could tell. He broke out of he's thoughts and looked at me. He stared at me for about 10 minutes. Was he checking me out? "Hi!" Hailey came running into the room making Justin jump up and seat down.

"I'm good, you?" he awsnerd the question i gave him before Hailey came inside the room. "I'm great thanks"

Hailey stood there quietly as me and Justin spoke. "Look, we came to talk. So I'm gonna ask, are you okay?"

I snorted. Is he actually asking if I'm okay? "Well, the love of my life just got married to a girl that he's not in love with in just one yeah I'm great!" I sarcastically said.

"im sorry......" he whispered softly as he came closer to me

"Stop apologizing" I told him harshly. Makeing him shut up and drink he's drink next to him.

"Why?" I asked him. He's finally in my arms and I need to know why he married her.

"Well, you told me I needed to move on from you. So I did. I married Hailey so I can start a new beginning and ending with Hailey. But, I'm just a fuck up. I've been so mean to everyone lately and I'm forcing myself to love Hailey. She's tired to force our relationship and now I'm doing the same"

I nodded.

"Look, right now, I'm with Hailey, but that doesn't mean we can't be friends"

Justin has been apart of my life since I started this career and I want him to be apart of till I die. Just cause he's married, doesn't mean we can't be friends? Right?

"Okay" I smiled.

He took out he's hands for me to take. I looked at he's hands and he's face, grabbing it he gave me a big hug. It felt great to be in he's arm's again.

"Friends?" he asked me.

"friends" I smiled.

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