Back To You✔

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"Hailey Baldwin, you are the love of my life and I wouldn't want to spend with anyone else!"

Those words hurt her. A 26 year old Selena, sat at the back of her room, reading the news when she came across her ex boyfriends page.

He got married....

She was scared and heartbroken. She's done so much for him, and yet he marries Hailey, a person that has been so, unloyal to him? He didn't even care about her feelings on how she felt, she still loves him. After thier break up, her feelings didn't change. And they still don't.

He's selfish. He doesn't care about anyones feelings, unless he's getting he's happily ever after. He didn't care if Hailey was hurt. Or if anyone was hurt.

"Selena?" her best friend, Courtney came up to her "Babe what's up?" She looked at her computer to see what she was looking at. Her eyes widened at the moment. She had to comfort her. "Its okay" her best cried with her.

Justin never appreciated what Selena gave him. All the hate and shit she has to go through, all because she was in love, he didn't appreciate it. Even while he was depressed and the two weren't dating, she still helped him. She didn't wanna see him hurt. Or after he went to jail, she was so disappointed in him, but she called him and comforted him while he's Mum, Scooter all they did was scold him and ignore him. But he would rather have a person that shaded him, use him for attention, betrayed thier friendship, but most of all, ruin a beautiful relationship with Selena and Justin.

Let's not get started on Hailey, she's always been so envious of Selena. But Hailey will never realize that you can't get everything you want in life. You can't force a relationship if that person doesn't want to date you. That's selfish, mean and disrespectful.

"i thought he loved me" she cried on her best friends shoulder. Courtney shook her head, she carefully stood up and got her phone out. She needs to end this.

"Hello?" Justin's voice filled the air as she spoke to him.

She gave the phone to Selena. "Hi" she quietly said.

Justin was shocked. He didn't expect to here her voice.

"I heard the news, congratulations"

"Sel-" she cut him off

"No, don't you dare call me that" she spat out "How could you do this to me? After everything I've gone through just to be with you?" she shouted at him

"And what exactly have you done for me?" she scoffed, how is he asking this right now?

"Oh so you don't remember the time when I helped you with your first concert? Or when you were depressed in 2016 and Hailey was your 'Girlfriend' I helped you and she didn't? Or when you went to jail and I actually comforted you while everyone was ashamed of you? You don't remember that do you? Or when you cut yourself and I helped you through all the hate and stuff. Don't you remember that?"

Justin has kept quiet. Not cause he couldn't say anything, but because she was right

"And I should leave but I can't! I love you more than life itself and I'll do anything for you. But no, you would rather marry a person that has done NOTHING but, shade you betray you and disrespect you" she cried out to him "God Justin, did you ever love me?"

"Of course I love you!" He cried "I love you more than anything else, but someone is trying to tear us apart and she's won!"

He was right. Hailey's won.

"I just thought that ring would be mine but..." she sniffed as he smiled.

"i'll wait for you" she's not letting him go. Not now, not ever.

"Bye Selena" he dropped the phone on her.

Letting out a sigh, she looked at a picture of her and Justin. Kissing it, she turned to her friend.

"Its times to focus on me now"

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