Chapter 19

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13th of April 2025
Eugeo's POV

I sit on the armchair while playing with my phone. Mom and Alice went home to the house near the hospital. While Dad is busy searching for any proof in the mansion. So, that leaves me alone in the hospital keeping Kazu company. Though, he hasn't wake up by now.

I lean back on the chair as I look up to the ceiling. I take a deep breath and let it out with a big sigh. "Come on wake up, Kaz." I say looking back to the bed. I look at the heart monitor and sees it stable.

I stand up from the chair and go to the small kitchen in the other room to look for night snack. "What to eat? What to eat?"

I take a cracker and walk back. I keep my eyes on the chips I'm holding. "Eugeo?" Hearing that rusty voice makes me jolts my head.

"Kazu!" I exclaim as I drop the chips and run to his side. "You're awake!"

"Hey... What time is it?"

"It's 10pm."

"I see..." I keep my eyes on him as he lays on the bed. I take a remote to raises the bed a bit. "Thanks... It's easier to talk to you like this."

"Don't mention it." I say putting the remote back on its place.

"Can you turn on the light?" He asks. At first, I kinda hesitate to do it, but before I can say a word, he continues. "I want to see what they did..." I let out a sigh before I reach out the button to turn the light on above the bed.

When the lights are on he looks down to his hands that are on his laps. "They broke them... Saying that I shouldn't make something that is not for them..." His voice is beginning to shake as he sees the bandaged hands.

I just stay quiet, not realizing that I clench my fists tight. "They broke my leg for running away..." He continues, tears are already falling from his eyes. "I thought that if I keep giving them the money they always wanted, they won't find looking for me..." He hangs his head down as his breathing become faster and starts to sob.

I can't say anything to comfort him. Damn them! Who do they think they are doing this to him?!

"Y-You're safe now, Kaz. I won't let them hurt you anymore. And Dad will make them pay." I tell him while patting his shoulder. I can see him nods his head slowly as he continues to cry. I'm not going to let them hurt you anymore. And that's a promise!

Next day

I sit on the sofa while reading an article about Kazu's parent. "Eugeo?" I get up from the sofa and walk to the other room.

"Hey, Kaz. Good morning." I say taking a seat on the armchair.

"You're here all night?" He asks as he tries to sit up, but I push him down gently.

"Lay down." I say before I pick up the remote control to raise the bed. "And to answer the question. Yeah, I've been here all night. Mom and Alice are on their way here right now. While Dad, I couldn't reach him, he's probably busy with something." I explain as I adjust the pillow to make him comfier.

"Thanks..." He whispers. I sit back on the chair. "Does Asuna knows?"

"Yeah, she knows. But, we didn't tell her that you were hurt. We just told her that you went missing." I answer as I start to play with my fingers. "Alice called her yesterday, telling her that you've been found." He nods his head while staring at nothing.

"Once you're better, we'll go back to Japan." I continue.

"Did the Doc tell you when I'll be able to go out?"

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