Chapter 20

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Eugeo's POV

I walk into the room with Mom and Alice walking behind me. "Oh, you're here." Dad says from the sofa. "You brought the clothes?"

I raise my hand that is carrying a bag. "Got it right here." I say.

"Well, go and help him change. I'll get the wheelchair for him." Dad says before walking out.

I walk to Kazu's room, "Hey there, Kaz. Ready to go home?" I ask as I slide the bifold close.

"Ready as I'll ever be." He says as I pull the blanket away.

I help him take off his hospital shirt. I can see his old scars and the new one on his chest, honestly, the view makes me cringe. "Don't worry, it doesn't hurt anymore." He answers my unasked question. I only nod, but I know he just said that to make me less worry. Dann you and your selflessness...

I take out his clothes from the bag. "A simple shirt with a sweater." I say. He just chuckles while I button his shirt. "Mom said that you'll be staying with us from now on."

"Yeah, Uncle Yuuto asked me."

"Well, I'm really glad that you accept it." I say helping his hands go through the sweater.

"Ne, Eugeo." He says as I help him put on his pants.


"I think I'm going to hit on hiatus from working." He says.

"Yeah? Care to tell me the reason?" I ask stepping a few steps back.

"Dunno... I've been working for half of my life because my parent made me to. So, I think I'm going to take a break for a while." He explains.

"Well, I didn't say that I didn't agree. Of course, I'm okay with your decision. In fact, I support it." I say rolling his trousers up carefully. "All done."

"You support it?" He asks.

"Well, of course. Why wouldn't I? You know, the only reason why I'm already working at this is that I needed money of my own. I don't want to use my parent's money." I say.

"Wow, you're so independent." He teases.

I chuckle, "What can I say?" I say with a shrug. "And besides, I think you already have enough money for someone at your age. In fact, you have too much... You never use the money didn't you?"

"No, rarely. Mostly I use them to buy some parts. And, that's not expensive."

"So, parts and houses. Cars?"

"Most of my cars were gift. I refuse to take the money and they sent me a car. It's worse..."

"You're kidding." I say in disbelief. He shakes his head with a chuckle. "No way! I wanted one too!"

"Eugeo! Kazuto! Are you done?" I hear Mom calls from behind the bifold.

"We're done, Mom." I say before Mom slides the bifold.

"Here's the wheelchair." She pushes the wheelchair beside the bed. "Your father is going out again."

"It's okay, Mom." I say.

I lock the chair beside the bed and fold the armrest while Mom folds the railing of the bed. "Let me help you." I say before he wraps his arm on my shoulder while I put my hands on his back and his chest to stable him. "Slowly now." He mainly uses his left leg for the weight.

"Alright." He says once he's already taken a seat. I pull up the armrest. "This is bothersome..." He mumbles while I pull the chair out of his room.

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