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tj went to his class after lunch, which happened to be history, one of his favorite classes. he noticed the teacher, mrs.turvaville, had the blye clipboard in her hand, which meant new seating arrangement.

when the bell rang, she started.

"okay, in the first row-"

she was cut off by a boy with dark hair and dark brown eyes that ran through the door. "sorry i'm late, miss!" he scrambled. "it's my first day, i have no idea where i'm going-"

"it's fine, but don't let it happen again." she scowled. "as i was the first row."

"brandon, taylor, thomas, gavin, and jillian." she started, and went row to row, then got to the 4th row, the second to last row.

"anna, colin, tj, cyrus, max, and kelila."

tj sat in the spot mrs.turvaville pointed to, and the brown haired boy sat next to him. he was adorable to tj, and his hair was messy, while tj's was kept together. he liked that.

"are you the new kid everyone's talking about?" tj whispered to cyrus.

"i think so, why?" cyrus gave a teasing smile.

"just wondering." tj shrugged.

"and who exactly are you?" cyrus raised an eyebrow.

'huh, he must have not caught it when the teacher said it.' tj thought, then smiled back at cyrus. "tj kippen. and you are?"

tj swore cyrus' face turned paler, but maybe he was seeing things. "cyrus goodman."

"tj, stop jabbering to the new kid and pay attention!" mrs turvaville sneered.

tj quickly said sorry and turned to cyrus. "yes miss hannigan." he mouthed, scrunching his face up, causing cyrus to hold in a laugh with a snort.


"tj kippen, and you are?"

cyrus' whole body shook at those words. this was the tj his new friends had warned him about? he seemed like the straightest guy ever! and he certainly didn't seem rude as buffy had said.

the teacher had called on cyrus, and tj grabbed cyrus' wrist gently. cyrus didn't want to cause attention to tj, so he didn't pull his hand away or ask what tj was doing.

by the time cyrus was done speaking, tj's grip was gone. he looked at his wrist.

tj's number.

tj had written his mumber on cyrus' wrist.

cyrus blushed and pulled his sleeve to cover the purple marker on his arm.


when school was over, tj had walked over to reed and lester.

"i did what i always do, guys. number on the wrist. if he's gay, it'll work like a charm." tj smirked, and reed high fived him.

"look at that, tj's getting himself another man!" lester said.

suddenly, as if on cue, his phone buzzed.

unknown number: it's cyrus from history!

"he's not straight. absolutely." reed snickered, looking over tj's shoulder.

tj: wassup!

"ew, do you start all conversations with dudes like that?" lester scrunched his nose, to be hit in the arm by tj.

cyrus: why'd you write your number on my arm?

tj: eh, you're cute

behind the screen, cyrus was smiling like an idiot.

oh, if only he knew he was slightly getting played.

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