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after school, marty walked up to cyrus. "hey, cy, i have a question."

cyrus turned around with them bright smile he'd been wearing all day, which seemed to have gotten brighter after his 5th period.

"do you you have a crush on any dude right now? you seem absolutely smitten right now, bro."

cyrus' face went red, and his expression became soft and he had a dopey smile, not even looking at marty, but off in the distance. then, his eyes darted back to marty's. "huh? what? no." he said quickly, and was about to walk away, but marty tugged his arm, making him pivot his steps and turn to marty.

"it's kippen, isn't it?" marty whispered, and raised an eyebrow.

cyrus' face went even redder than what marty thought was possible. "pshh...who's- who's kippen?"

"you're a horrible liar, cyrus." marty chuckled.

"okay, fine. i'm- i have a crush on him. but how did you know?" cyrus caught himself before saying, 'i'm dating him.' he couldn't tell marty that just yet.

"when jonah mentioned tj was there, you didn't say a word, and awkwardly looked around. i had a hunch." then it hit marty....sort of.

"oh my god, you knew he was there, didn't you?"

cyrus' fingers went cold in embarrassment. "...yes?"

"you only agreed to come because you knew he was there! holy fuck, you coulda told me, man, we could have found closer seats to him!" marty laughed quietly.

"yep, that's- that's what happened." cyrus rocked on his towns, and turned and walked away, before marty could even process his lie. though, despite have calling cyrus a bad liar, he didn't realize that one was a lie.


the baddest at grant 😎🤠

martyparty added cyrusgoodman_

buffy_drisc.oll: oh hey

andim._: hiii

jonahbeckthepopsicle: yo

jonahbeckthepopsicle: ....mARTY

martyparty: hehe what

buffy_drisc.oll: did you just type 'hehe'

martyparty: so did u just now

jonahbeckpopsicle changed her username to jonahbeck87

jonahbeck87: stop changing my username

martyparty: but it's so lame

jonahbeck87: yeah like popsicle as any cooler

martyparty: literally yes it is

cyrusgoodman_: he's got a point there

jonahbeck87: you guys know what i mean shut up

andim._: marty and jonah stop flirting and can we get to the real convo here

andim._: marty spilled some tea to us

cyrusgoodman_: marty what did you say

martyparty: ...

martyparty: i can't keep one thing you've told me to myself we tell the whole group

cyrusgoodman_: remind me to never tell any of you anything

buffy_drisc.oll: okay but cyrus

buffy_drisc.oll: you like TJ?!?!?


cyrusgoodman_: he's cute and nice

andim._: ew i'm too gay to call him cute but nICE-

buffy_drisc.oll: he's the root of gay evil, cyrus

martyparty: he's not even chaotic neutral gay

martyparty: he's chaotic evil gay

cyrusgoodman_: fine, i'll try to distance myself and not like him anymore.

cyrus typed as he walked up to tj's front door.

yeah, that was a lie.

cutie • tyrus [complete]Where stories live. Discover now