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a week or two went by, tj and marty smoothly "dating".

then, people started talking.

"why'd they start dating again? kippen never dates twice."

"is he as commited as he says?"

"if they're dating, how come tj and marty don't sit together at lunch?"

"i haven't even seen them talk since freshman year."

and the most asked:

"why haven't they kissed yet?"

it drove all of tj, cyrus and marty crazy. marty didn't want to kiss tj. tj didn't want to kiss marty.

and cyrus just wanted to be able to date his boyfriend with no fear.


it was lunch, and jonah, andi, cyrus, buffy and marty were sitting together as usual.

reed walked over, pulling marty up.
"hey, frumpteparte, how come i haven't seen you kiss my boy, tj yet?"

marty turned pale. andi spoke up. "yeah, how come, marty?" she didn't say this pettily. just with confusion.

"i- uh- i..." marty stammered. tj wasn't in the cafeteria yet.

then, as if on cue, tj walks in.

reed lets go of marty's sleeve. "teej, hey! you should kiss marty. right here. in front of everyone. you guys are commited, right? couples kiss."

"or are you third graders?" lester pouted, making some of the tables laugh.

"you sure sound like a third grader right now, lester." tj mumbled.

reed sighed. "look, kippen. kiss the damn guy and we'll be off your ass. yours too, frumpteparte."

tj looked at marty and gulped. he mouthed, "should we?" to which marty mouthed back, "for cyrus."

then, it was a blur.


tj and marty locked lips.

in front of the entire cafeteria.

it only last about 5 seconds, and it was passionate to look believable. as soon as they broke apart, marty looked at jonah.

"i-i have to go." jonah said quietly, taking off.

marty sighed. when reed and lester left, and nobody was looking, he grabbed cyrus and tj. "i need to talk to the both of you. now." and walked into an empty classroom, shutting the door.


tj laughed. "you're not too bad of a kisser."

"it was, as much as i hate to say it, believable." cyrus smiled.

marty rolled his eyes. "i'm done."

tj's eyebrows furrowed. "what do you mean?"

"i mean i'm done. we're breaking up rhis stupid fake relationship! you hear me?" marty groaned angrily.

cyrus' tone changed to concern. "what's the problem?"

"there was no problem, not until the one person i didn't want getting hurt in all of this, did!" marty was mad.

neither boy had ever seen marty this mad. well, not cyrus anyway.

"nobody ever asked me if i was okay with this. nobody ever asked me anything. hell, both of you know my huge fucking secret, and neither of you even ask if i'm fine! i'm not, by the way!" he nearly yelled.

cyrus stepped closer, putting his hand on tj's shoulder. "marty, i'm sorry-"

he yanked his hand from him. "don't touch me."

cyrus stepped back a bit. "marty..."

tj sighed. he walked over, wrapping his arms around marty. marty tried to fight it, but gave in.

"hey, marty, just breathe, okay. what we practiced back in freshman year. okay?"

and then marty did a breathing excercise. it helped him calm down.

tj whispered something in marty's ear, to which the shorter boy shook his head. tj nodded, and stepped back.

cyrus stared in awe. "what did you...?"

tj leaned down. "it's part of me and marty's history."

yeah, cyrus needed to learn more about that.

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