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the weekend ended quickly, and monday came along. cyrus hoped marty didn't say anything. i mean, nothing happened in the group chat, so he couldn't have said something.

he had spent the rest of the day with tj, and they had quite a fun time. after the movies, they got ice cream, eating it at the place they first kissed. they had yet to have a 4th kiss, however.

cyrus smiled, walking up to his friends. "hey guys!"

"hey, cy! how was your weekend? we didn't see you much." buffy smiled, waving him over.

cyrus sat on the lunch table, his feet planted on the bench-like seat.

"yeah, i was with family." he lied. "i was visiting my dad."

"oh, okay." andi nodded.

marty just glared.

"that's what i did. what about you guys?"

"eh, not much." buffy shrugged. "andi and i went to the mall, she got new craft supplies, i got new jeans, the usual."

andi smiled. "yep, what about you marty?"

marty rolled his eyes. "i went to the movies. kippen was there with some new boytoy."

"ooo, spill!" jonah came over excitedly.

andi laughed. "woah, jonah, since when are you so interested in gossip?"

"since tj hasn't had a boyfriend in a month! it's been boring." jonah shrugged. "now the tea!"

marty sighed. "i don't know who,"

thank you, marty.

"but i do know they were on what looked like to be a date. he seems like he's commiting now."

cyrus blushed, so lightly you could barely see it.

the bell rang.

"gotta go to my first class! see ya!" cyrus smiled happily, walking to math.


"tj went on a date?" reed raised an eyebrow.

lester looked at him and shrugged. they had overrheard marty, and of course, they had no idea.

"well, ask him, dumbass!" reed sneered, pushing lester towards marty.

he approached him, seeming to have power. of course, tj and his friends were scary, popular, and sure as hell feared.

he pushed marty's shoulder when the rest of his friende had walked away. "what's that about tj dating again?"

marty turned around, raising an eyebrow. now, lester had never talked to marty, but marty certainly didn't seem scared of him. "why should i tell you?"

"because," lester shoved him again. "if  you don't, i'll tell everyone-"

"o-okay, okay, lester! i-it was me. i'm dating kippen, again." marty flinched.




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