twenty three.

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_andi.mack_ added reed.w, lesterthedumbass, buffy_drisc, jonahhbeckk, and frumptepartem to a group chat!

_andi.mack_ named the group chat "lets go gays 🤠"

buffy.drisc: i'm het

lesterthedumbass: i'm het

_andi.mack_: no you fuckwads i mean cyrus and tj

_andi.mack_: i made a chat on insta because i don't have reed and lester's #'s

reed.w: lets go operation cj!!!

frumptepartem: the fuck is cj it's tyrus man

jonahhbeckk: god reed u dumb bitch 🤦‍♀️

buffy.drisc named the group "operation tyrus"

buffy.drisc: okay now that we've settled reed is a stupid asshole how do we get tyrus back in action

reed.w: i hate all of you

lesterthedumbass: you love me bby 😚😍

reed.w: no i fucking don't that's gay

lesterthedumbass: you're literally openly bi

jonahhbeckk: i'm pretty sure you're the only non straight boy to not have dated tj yet wtf

_andi.mack_: as much as i'd LOVE to shade reed

_andi.mack_: we got two lovestruck depressed idiots to get together

frumptepartem: maybe

frumptepartem: we could like,,,

frumptepartem: be in partners

_andi.mack_: good idea

jonahhbeckk: i call marty

reed.w: i get buffy because she scares me so maybe she can devise a plan to scare tj

_andi.mack_: ew wait i have lester the fuck

lesterthedumbass: i breathed

buffy_drisc: okay it's settled we're doing a buddy system

reed.w: yep

frumptepartem: yep

lesterthedumbass: yep

jonahhbeck: yep

_andi.mack_: yep


buffy and reed met up at the spoon the next day.

"so, i scare you, huh, wytheweede?" she raised an eyebrow as soon as reed sat down.

he blushed in embarrassment. "shut up, driscoll."

"no, really, i'm sorry, what's terrifying about me?"

"don't push it, this isn't about you." reed laughed. "this is about our friends. for all we know, we could have been what pulled them apart."

buffy nodded. "okay, so, maybe..." her smile lit up. "you could throw a party! and like, me, andi, and marty could invite cyrus to come with us. you and lester could get tj to go."

reed smiled back. "sounds good-"

suddenly, the bell on the door rang. it was tj.

"oh, uh, reed, why are you here with driscoll..?" tj asked, confused.

buffy looked at reed, then tj.

reed, himself had a lump in his throat.

buffy cleared her throat, then spoke up. "we're on a date, kippen. you should be familiar with those." she looked him up and down.

reed looked at buffy now, wide eyed. 'what?!' he mouthed, then looked back over at tj, smiling awkwardly.

tj looked confused. "okay, um, well, have fun...i came to pick up some baby taters for maddie...see ya, i guess."

and with that, he grabbed a to go bag from the counter, and walked out the door.

buffy looked over at reed. "so, party?"

"sounds good. i'll dm the group chat the details."

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