twenty one.

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tw: slurs

cyrus got home that night, in a frenzy.

he was sitting in his room, doing his homework, when he heard something he didn't expect.

"how fucking dare you do that to my child?!"

it was his mom speaking. her and todd never yelled at each other. he stood up and walked to his door, looking downstairs, and sure enough, the couple was fighting.

"i'm not raising some damn homosexual, leslie!" todd raged.

"he's not yours to raise! he's nearly seventeen, he can make his own choices, and this one isn't even a choice!" leslie crossed her arms.

"you really think i want to he looked down apon by my coworkers?" he raised an eyebrow.

"todd, cyrus was happy. boyfriend or not, he was. he hadn't been happy in a long time. certainly when we seperated him and his father. and you ruined it. now he sits in his room all night, probably hurting. because of you. do you really want to live with that?" she spoke softly, her voice breaking. cyrus knew that voice.

his mom was about to cry.

cyrus understood the situation; todd must have mentioned to his mom that he had had a boyfriend.

she had noticed he was happy.

she didn't want that to change.

she didn't care.

cyrus knew she wouldn't.

"whatever, the dumb fag would never get a boyfriend after this one anyway." todd scoffed. "let him be gay, for all i care. it'll ruin you, leslie."

"fuck. you." she rolled her eyes. she turned to the stairs, and looked at cyrus. "oh, my god- how much did you hear, baby-"

"enough." he crossed his arms. "i broke up with tj, by the way. he threatened me. he said he's ground me and homeschool me if i didn't."

she looked back at todd. "you are mean. a mean, mean man."

she ran to cyrus, hugging him. she looker at todd again. if looks could kill, todd would be dead as a doorknob. "get out of my house, until you realize what you're doing."

todd dashed out the front door. cyrus heard a car start.

cyrus smiled weakly at his mom.

"it's gonna be okay, cyrus, it'll be alright.."

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