not an update but please read!

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hi everyone! i've decided i'm gonna be starting to do fanfic commissions as my family is going through a rough time and i want to do my best to support us. i don't know how much attention this will get but if you see this and are able to, consider it :)

it'll cost $5 for a short fic (300-700 words) and $10 for a longer fic (800+ words) anything between 700-800 will be counted as a short fic, though please don't be specific with the exact amount of words (example: please write a tyrus fic with this prompt and 746 words)

i will write for
- jyrus
- tyrus
- ambi
- wonah
- muffy
- tarty
- jarty
- irby
- jibby
- byler
- elmax
- lumax
- sydina
- reddie
- bichie
- stozier
- benverly
- brittana
- klaine
- blam
- samcedes
- faberry
- hummelberry

i will write any prompt, unless it is offensive to any certain group.

i will not write
- smut
- fetishization of any group of people
- incest
- prompts that base around a trigger (suicide, self harm, eating disorders, etc)

if you have any questions, feel free to pm me here or dm my insta!

if you do this you'll be supporting my family, so thank you <3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2020 ⏰

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