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cyrus woke up cuddled with tj that next morning. he panicked, and shot up, almost waking up tj in the process. he pretty much ran to the door, and shook the handle.

oh thank god, i locked it.

he took a deep breath, and turned to see tj awake, looking at him. "why do you look so terrified?" he asked groggily.

cyrus closed his eyes, and opened them again after a few seconds, then climbed back in bed with tj, who voluntarily put his arms back around cyrus. "my parents don't know i'm gay." he whispered.

tj made some sort of understanding noise, and kissed cyrus' forehead. "do your friends?"

"yeah. but...they don't exactly like you, so, they don't know" cyrus explained softly.

"that would make sense. my friends don't exactly know either. i haven't gotten around to telling them yet." tj half-lied. yes, his friends didn't know, but they weren't going to know for quite a while.

"then, we're a secret." cyrus concluded, to which tj nodded.

"i guess so."


the morning went by fast, and tj decided to ask cyrus on a date. an official date. it was a sunday, so the movies wouldn't be crowded and full of classmates.

of course, cyrus said yes, and they went to see shazam. [leave me alone it's the only movie in theaters atm that i've seen-]

tj drove, and they got to the movie at about 11 am. they payed for their tickets and snacks, and sat down.

they held hands all through the movie.

on the way out, tj had to use the bathroom.

cyrus was waiting at the entrance, and suddenly, a harsh hand grabbed his shoulder and turned him around.

"you have a lot of explaining to do, cyrus. don't think i didn't see you and kippen holding hands."

it was marty. he was mad.

cyrus gulped, his face turning pale. "okay, okay, please don't tell anyone, marty. i didn't tell your secret so don't say mine. please."

marty took a deep breath, taking his hand off cyrus' shoulder. "fine. i won't. don't make me regret this. but, if he breaks your heart, i told you so."

cyrus quickly nodded and marty walked away, catching up to his brother. thank god marty wasn't with his friends.


this one was short but leave me alone ksksk

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