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marty ran up to the group, 5 tickets in his hands. they were currentlyat that certain the spoon hangout. "guys guys guys guys guys!" he smiled widely. "i got tickets to the theater in town! they're doing heathers! bootleg, but STILL!"

buffy smiled back. "that'll be great! wait, cy, do you like musicals?" she turned to him.

cyrus blushed, running his hands through his hair. "yeah. i've actually wanted to see heathers for a while."

"great! so, we're all on board?" andi stretched her arms out to gesture to all of them.

"yep!" everyone said in sync, making them erupt in giggles.


the night of the musical came, and tj couldn't be more excited.

sure, reed didn't want to come, and they were making him, but he was finally having fun with his friends that didn't involve his love life.

they took their seats, and over the announcements, a woman spoke,

"heathers the musical will start in 25 minutes."

"damn, i'm excited!" th heard someone speak, and his heart skipped a beat.

oh god.

he knew that voice.

it's marty.

marty and his friends stuck together like a wolf pack, a gang. so, if marty was here, so was-

"me too!"


"are you kidding me?" he scowled underneath his voice, causing lester to look over at him.

"you okay dude?"

"yeah- yeah. i just have to go to the bathroom, and i don't wanna miss anything." tj lied.

"the show starts in like 20 something minutes." reed raised an eyebrow.

"right, right. i'll be back then." and with that, tj rushed to the theater's bathroom, throwing his hands over the sink. luckily, nobody was in there at the time. he turned on the faucet, splashing water on his face.

"tj? tj kippen?"

tj looked up to see jonah beck. of course. one of his friends. "are you okay?" he asked.

"yeah, i'm fine...just...nothing. it's nothing. none of your business." tj picked his head up and looked at jonah.

"what are you doing here? i didn't think of you as the type to be at a musical." jonah stepped closer, grabbing a paper towel for tj, handing it to him.

"lester invited me. i'm not all...dickhead, you know." he wiped his face off with the paper towel.

"i didn't think you were- well, no, that's a lie. i did. after, 10th grade." jonah sighed.

"i'm still up to that shit, i'm still a player. old habits die hard, you know." tj sighed as well, throwing the paper towel away. he started to walk put of the bathroom, when jonah blocked his way.

"just...promise me one thing."

"what, beck?" tj hissed slightly.

"don't- don't pull the shit you did with me, with marty, and with all those other boys with cyrus, the new kid. i don't know if you know him yet, but please, leave him alone." jonah spoke softly, concerned.

of course.

they're protecting him.

the one boy i actually wanted to stay with they're taking away and watching like a hawk.

"yeah. i will." tj lied, before pushing jonah away and walking out of the bathroom.

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