Chapter 13

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“It depends, the house is yours,” I hear a woman saying quietly.
“Then why can't we do it this way? I don't think she wants to leave this town.”
“There's a foster family on the Southside of the town, Mr. Cooper.”
“It's not the same. This house was our mom's. Now it's ours. Why couldn't she just keep living there? I could visit often.”
“She's a 16 year old girl.”
“She's been taking care of herself her whole life. How would that be any different? She wouldn't get hurt, she'd be fine.”
“She is 16, Mr. Cooper. She's too young for taking care of herself.”
“I can check on her every day. She'd be fine.”
I don't recognize the voices. Maybe my brain isn't just taking it in normally, they gave me some stupid medicine last night again so that I could sleep. The last one had to be someone who is able to check on me every day. And the other guy has to be one of the Mr. Coopers in the world.
I feel a hand on my hair. It's stroking it softly, the thumb brushing against my forehead. I know that thumb. It's rough, worn out from playing the guitar all day every day as always. I open my eyes slowly and blink the darkness away again. They get quiet.
“Hey you,” Nick smirks as I look up and into his eyes. A big smile comes onto my face. I start to stretch my arms out to pull him into a hug, but I remember the needle in my arm and groan. They chuckle at me, but I slip my legs over the edge of the bed and pull the cannula out of my arm.
“Uh, you're not really allowed to-“ FP starts, but I jump up and hug Nick. He chuckles and hugs me back. “Or you could do that,” he continues.
I giggle quietly and keep hugging my brother. He hugs me back and starts kissing my cheek repeatedly. When he has done it for about six times already, I push his head away. “You’re worse than Jughead.”
“I’ve seen how he kisses you, I don't think so, Lizzie.”
I roll my eyes at his nickname and rest myself to sit on his lap, still hugging him. “You’re hair's still the same,” he says under his breath, stroking it softly.
“Yours still hasn't turned as blonde,” I smile.
“Yeah, I think it needs couple more years,” he says, nodding, holding his smirk back. I nod with a serious face, a little smile creeping on my lips.
He lets out a quiet groan, hugging me more. “God I've missed you.” His lips are on my head so often.
I smile and look at him. “So? What are we gonna do? With me.”
He sighs. “Get you safe. Away from our dad-“
“I’m not leaving Riverdale,” I say with the most determined voice ever.
He grins and looks at the woman sitting in front of us. “See? She's not leaving Riverdale.”
The woman sighs. “Betty, I'm from child services, okay? Do you want to live with your brother?”
“Sure, make him leave his career and come live here, you can do that, right?” I ask with a big smile. Nick and FP hold their laugh back, but start chuckling.
“When did you become sassy?” Nick asks me quietly.
“The moment you all left,” I say.
“Ouch,” he says under his breath. I kiss his cheek and rest my head back onto his shoulder. I'm just in a hospital gown, sitting on his lap. Not that he would care what I'm wearing, I just don't like that it's showing my scars.
“If you do not want to live with your brother in LA, Ms. Cooper, I suggest a foster family.”
“Can’t I get emancipated? I mean, I've taken care of myself since my brothers left and even when they were living with me, they can't cook so, I was the one cooking, so I'll definitely not die from hunger.”
“What a positive way of thinking,” FP says.
“Right?” I smile.
“Teens who have normal parents can get emancipated, Betty. This right here is a child abuse. You need a family. Someone who would care for you.”
“It’s not like we're talking about adoption. They do not care about me, if they get money paid for giving me a place to sleep,” I say. She sighs and shakes her head, obviously annoyed.
“Like I said, Mrs. Donnel. She can keep living at her home. I'll make sure she's safe,” FP says. I smile a little, but not looking at him, just at myself.
“And what if she… Gets a fever. Or has a nightmare. What would you do then, Mr. Jones?”
“Just saying, I have nightmares every night and most of them I just won't try to fall back asleep. I read a book,” I smile. From the corner of my eye, I see Nick smirking and shaking his head a little.
“I have two children. Both teenagers. I know how to take care of them.”
“I’m sure you do, Mr. Jones. But this is not an option. She needs a family. It's either one of her brothers or a foster family.”
I sigh sadly and drop my head. I can't leave Jughead. I can't leave my friends. I can't leave every single thing I have left from mom.

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