Chapter 24

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“No,” I laugh at Fangs and hit him with my bare foot. He chuckles and shows me the finger. We came to the place they come every year. It's just a small field, next to a huge blue lake. No one is here, there weren't any roads or anything to here, they just had discovered it before and we all love it here. We're surrounded by the woods and can see a mountain behind them, but most of the beauty is in the lake. It's warm and they wanna go swimming tomorrow.
I sit down next to Jughead who is holding a stick with marshmallows as am I now. “How am I supposed to do it?” I ask him. He smirks and takes another marshmallow from the stick and eats it. It's sticky and stuff, but I manage to do it pretty well. The moment this fucking candy touches my tongue, it melts and I wrinkle my face up, not liking the taste. I give the stick to him and he chuckles.
“Really? Not even marshmallows?”
I take the water bottle next to me and take a few sips. “Ew,” I tell him. “I can taste the sugar.”
“How can someone not like sugar?” Veronica asks me. She always laughs at me when I spit a candy out.
“I like sugar. In drinks or ice cream or pancakes or waffles,” I smile big.
“These are like only sweet things I've ever seen you eat,” Toni says.
I nod with a smile and look at Jug. “Where’s your bag?”
“These are not for today,” he just tells me with a little smirk.
“Why do you care, you never eat them anyways?” I ask. He gives me the look, but I walk to our tent and get the spicy snacks he always buys for me. They taste like bacon, but they're actually some really crunchy and thick chips. I walk back to the others and sit back down next to him.
“I still don't get it, why you like these things,” he says, eating the cooked marshmallows.
“They taste like bacon,” I say. “And go good with coke.”
“Don't tell me you-“ he stops as I take the coke out of my pocket I just got from my bag. He laughs at me. “Seriously? You brought a bottle of coke?*
I smirk, “If you can eat all that sweet crap then I need some sugar too,” I say.
He kisses my temple and moves against my side, wrapping his arm around my back and waist. I smile at him and kiss his cheek.
“Babe,” Sweets says quietly and I look at him as Jellybean does the same. “You wanna go to sleep?” he asks.
She starts smiling big. “Yeah, sure.” They both get up and start moving towards their tent, only to get stopped by FP's voice.
“Hey, you two?”
I feel tem physically sigh as they turn around.
Jug chuckles with me and they both give us the looks. “Dad, leave them alone, they're fine,” Jug says. Slurpe and FP look at each other.
“You have-“ Slurpe starts, but I interrupt.
“That's the time to start screaming not hear another word they're saying,” I say to these two. They chuckle and go into their tent. FP gives me and Jug the look.
“What? You two are awkward enough. They'll be fine,” he says and keeps eating.
“Besides, we're outside, the tent isn't the most comfortable place to have sex in,” I say, making all of them laugh except for the two dads.
Jug smirks at me as I look at him. “Right,” he says. I nod with a big smile and keep eating.
“You would know,” Cher smirks.
I shrug and sill keep eating the spicy bacon snacks. “We've never really stayed in a tent together yet, maybe we'll know in a few days, who knows,” Jug says like it's totally normal and keeps eating as well.
We both smirk the next second as that shut everyone up. FP is looking at us with a frown and an unsatisfied look on his face.
“What did Nick say when you told him you're coming with us?* he asks.
I smirk. “You really wanna know?”
They all nod. “That's gonna be good,” Toni chuckles.
“Well,” I smirk. “He's my brother, so he's awkward if he has to talk to me about something like that, but he also teases me, so there's no way I'm gonna tell you.”
“Come on, B. He says the funniest things,” Veronica whines.
“I don't know his words. He teased me about it and in the end told me to bring condoms,” I say.
“That must be awkward,” Fangs grins. “What did you answer?”
“I’m on the pill,” I just say and keep eating.
“You're on the pill?” Toni asks me. I look at her, not saying anything. “Wow, you two must be doing that a lot,” she says, making everyone laugh except for me and Jug.
I just shrug and Jug tells them maybe. Toni looks extremely annoyed that she didn't get any reaction or an answer, which makes me feel even better.
“Baby, you wanna go to sleep too?” Jug asks me, teasing the others.
“Yeah,” I say and we both get up.
“Stop right there,” FP says. We both grin and look back with raised eyebrows. He raises his eyebrows at us, not saying anything.
“We don't even kiss in front of anyone, there's no way we'd do anything somewhere where everybody could hear us, dad,” Jug says. He narrows his eyes at us, but I squat down in front of Hot Dog, who is lying next to Toni.
“Hey you. Don't go away, okay? You need to watch no one will take our food.” She gives me a bark and licks my bare feet tiredly. I smile and kiss her wet nose.
“That dog is exhausted,” Veronica smirks.
I nod, “She better be.” I get back up. “Night,” both of us say.
“Right,” Kev chuckles. I blow him a kiss and we get into the tent. At first we get changed in our pajamas, which are grey sweatpants for both of us and then a T-shirt and a hoodie. It's not cold anymore, on a day it's about 24, but at nights, it can go to 10 degrees. We get in our sleeping bags and he pulls me into his arms, but as we start talking, we realize it annoys us to be apart. So he opens the zip for me a little and I climb into his. He wraps his arms around me and zips it up again, so we're pressed together, which satisfies both of us.
“Baby?” he whispers just before I'm about to fall asleep. I hum for the answer, not really able to move my mouth half asleep. “I love you,” he whispers.

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