Chapter 21

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“Baby,” Jug whispers. “Come on, wake up, we have school today.” I groan in his arms and snuggle my face into his biceps.
It's January 10. There's more snow than ever, it's freezing outside, about -14°C. The trailer is warm though. In his arms it's warm, against his almost bare body, it's warm.
“Girls, we're gonna be late,” he murmurs to me and Jellybean, who's sleeping in her own bed. He's half asleep himself though.
“Who cares,” I mumble back and feel him sniggering. Someone knocks on the door.
“Get up, all of you,” FP says.
“Shh, I'm trying to sleep here,” I complain.
“Get up,” he laughs and opens the door. “Jughead.”
“Hmm?” he asks tiredly, face inside my hair.
“You’re all like almost grownups, can't you get up by yourselves? How long were you up last night?”
“Too long,” I hear Jellybean's tired voice. I sigh, open my eyes and sit up tiredly.
“Betty,” Jug whines and pulls me back down, making FP laugh and me giggle. I look at Jug, who seems satisfied now as I'm back in his arms.
“Juggie, come on,” I whisper and peck his lips, sitting back up. He keeps sleeping though.
FP grins at me. “If you wanna take a shower you still have time.”
I smile. “I look that bad?”
“You look exhausted, it helps you to wake up.”
I look at Jug whose head is on my lap at the moment. He looks cute. “You gonna let go of me now?” I ask quietly, playing with his hair. His arms are around my torso still.
“No,” he says tiredly, a smirk appearing on his lips as he opens his eyes.
I lean down to him. “If you let go of me, I'll come back to bed later.”
“She won't. We're gonna be late,” Jelly says, sitting up as well.
“Mmm, okay,” he says tiredly and loosens his grip a little. I kiss his hair and get out of the bed, my feet touching the cold floor.
“When did you become like this?” Jellybean smirks at Jug.
“When I met her. He brings out the worst in me,” he complains, turning onto his stomach, his face disappearing into our pillow.
“I love you too,” I smirk, making my way to the bathroom after grabbing the towel I always use when I’m here and what is mine now basically. I lock myself into the bathroom and drop all my clothes. Then step under the hot shower and relax.
“Dad, can Sweets stay over sometimes?” I hear Jellybean asking.
“No,” he says. I chuckle quietly and start washing my hair.
“Why not, it's like exactly the same thing?” she whines.
“You’re 14,” he says.
“Hmm, 15 in less than a month,” she protests.
“He can't stay over ‘cause dad would feel weird,” I hear Jug chuckling.
“So when the daughter of the love of your life sleeps with your son, you're okay with that, but when your best friend's son sleeps with your daughter, that's unacceptable,” she says.
“Exactly,” I hear FP saying, smiling big probably. Jelly groans.
“He loves me more!” I yell. I hear all of them laughing and then I start rinsing my hair, clean from the shampoo, not hearing anything anymore.
In about ten minutes, I'm done with all of it, so I put a new tampon in, wrap the towel around me. When I'm done with brushing my teeth, I get my underwear (panties and a bra) on and then wrap the towel around myself again, grabbing my pajamas with me. I walk back into their room and see Jellybean pulling on a shirt while Jug is still sleeping, face in his pillow.
I chuckle, drop my clothes and towel and climb back in the bed next to him. He turns onto his side, letting me rest my head on his biceps, wrapping his other arm around my waist. Our stomachs meet and we both start grinning like idiots as I kiss him.
“Are you naked?” Jelly asks.
I pull away from Jug's lips, making him groan and give his sister side-eyes. “No, I'm in my lingerie,” I say.
“You have lingerie?” Jelly asks, eyebrows raised up.
“Maybe,” I smirk and look at Jug. He smirks at me too and we both look back at her sister. She seems to be in a thought.
“Don't even think about it!” I hear FP's voice and now I get it. We all chuckle, even Jelly, though she looks annoyed.
“Seriously? She can, I can't?” she asks with a louder voice for her dad to hear.
“She's not my daughter and she's 16.”
“I do not own lingerie,” I chuckle at Jellybean. “It’s normal… underwear? How do you call it?” I ask her.
She shrugs, “I don't really talk about it,” she smirks. I start blushing and I close my eyes, turning my face back to Jug.
“I can only imagine her red face right now,” I hear FP chuckling.
“Shut up!” I laugh, making all of them laugh too. “I just let her know that I'm not naked.”
“Unfortunately,” Jug mumbles to himself, making me blush more.
“What was that?” Jelly chuckles.
“Nothing,” Jug sighs, pulling me more against him. I can feel the huge clump in his pants.
“If you're nor up in 10 minutes,” Jelly says and leaves the room, closing the door behind her.
Jug snuggles his face into the crook of my neck, making me purse my lips from this cuteness. But also, I decide to tease him. I move my arm away from his torso and slide my hand over his abs, but don't stop here. I move it into his pants and feel him getting even harder.
“What are you doing, my family's home,” he chuckles quietly, but presses me more against him. He has described that feeling to me. He feels like he wants to hold me even more closer, even though it's not physically possible. He feels like he wants to protect me from all of the world outside this bed and just hold me in his arms forever.
“Helping you out, baby,” I whisper and start moving my hand back and forth slowly, holding his dick.
“You’re-“ he moans quietly into my neck and snuggles his face more in it. I feel him start kissing it softly as he tries to hold his moans back and so do I, because he sucks on my sweet place.
His one hand moves into my wet hair and he starts stroking it softly while his lips connect with mine and his other hand moves into his boxers. His hand cups mine and he starts moving it faster, guiding me kind of. It makes me smile, knowing he's comfortable with doing that.
In 15 minutes, he comes into his boxers, which makes him uncomfortable obviously. “That was fast,” I whisper and kiss him once. “I’ve read about it and-“
“You've read about it, baby?” he smirks.
“I’m positive you've read about stuff like that… Most guys hate handjobs and if they get it, they won't cum before like 40 minutes,” I whisper.
“Well I guess I'm not one of these guys.” He kisses me for a few seconds. “Or you're just good at it.”

“Betty, your dog is driving me crazy,” Jellybean says as I finally go out of the room, into the kitchen. Hot Dog is licking her sneakers.
I chuckle. “She likes you.”
“Stop,” she chuckles at her as she moves to her ankles and starts licking them.”
“Next time just let Jug come over to yours,” JB says.
I smirk and look at FP and then poor myself some cereal. “I would, but your dad doesn't.”
“Hey, I've let him,” he says.
I roll my eyes. “Like three times.”
“I'd kill for three times,” Jelly says and looks at FP. I chuckle quietly as he just smirks, but doesn't even look up at her.
“Baby, pour me some cereal!” Jug shouts, probably not finding all of his books fast enough. I take a bite from mine and eat it while putting less than half of the bowl full of cereal and then just as much milk. I need more cereal, less milk, but he loves to have them exactly the same amount.
“Done. Hurry up or they’re getting soaked and gross,” I say.
He comes here immediately, placing his bag on the ground. “I’ll take you on my bike,” he says.
“What about me?” Jelly asks.
Jug smirks. “Get a ride with your boyfriend.”
She smiles. “Not that bad idea.” She pulls out her phone and probably texts Sweet Pea. Jug feels weird about his best friend and sister, but he's accepting and okay with it mostly.
“Be careful please, okay? No racing. It's ice everywhere,” FP says to all of us. We nod and keep eating. I start thinking.
“Can I be a Serpent?” I ask and look up at FP. He gulps his food down and looks up at me.
“It's dangerous,” Jughead says, turning my face to him. “I don't want you becoming a Serpent.” I roll my eyes at him and look back at FP. “Dad,” Jug says.
He sighs and looks at him. “Jug don't you think she'll be your queen anyways?”
Juggie sighs as well and looks at me sadly. “People will want to kill you.”
I nod. “The usual.”
He doesn't smile at that. “You’re gonna have to…”
“Pole dance in front of everyone, I know,” I say.
“How do you know?” FP asks me.
“Toni might have been mad at you for being sexist,” I smirk and they all chuckle now.
“Exactly. It's sexist. I don't want you dancing in a lingerie in front of all the drunk men,” Jug says.
“You'll be there,” I say with a small smirk on my lips, looking down at my food.
“I can see you in lingerie any time. I don't need a pole for that,” he says.
I smile a little and don't even think about looking up at FP's face or worse, Jellybean's. “Wait… lingerie?” I ask him.
“It doesn't have to be a bra, it doesn't have to show your stomach,” he says.
I look down again, having second thoughts about this. They'd see my scars. Not that they don't know about it, just…
“Hey,” Jug says softly and raises my head up softly. “No one's gonna judge you. They know I've cut myself, they're just worried, they won’t say anything.”
“You have like six scars, my body is full of them,” I say.
“You don't have to be a Serpent.”
I narrow my eyes at him. “That’s mean, using that.”
“She's right. You're a jerk,” FP says.
“Seriously, Betty. The only thing they're gonna judge is that you're too skinny,” Jelly says.
I furrow my brows, “I’m skinny?”
“Yes,” they all say in unison. I smirk and keep eating.
“I'm 15 in three weeks, that's when I can join. We can do it together,” she says.
“You'll have to do it? Aren't you like royal?” I ask with a smirk.
“Aren’t you?” she asks. I shrug. Probably.
“Is that possible? Together?” I ask FP.
He sighs, looking at both of us. “You two going up there to strip. Together.”
“Hey, better than alone, right? Or you know… You could banish the rule,” I smile.
He smirks and looks at Jug. He sighs, looking at me and Jelly sadly. “No, I don't like that.”
“You don't like anything. Stop whining, we're gonna do it anyways,” Jelly says.
“Dad, can't we get most of the men out of town to track down Ghoulies on that day?” Jug asks, making me giggle.
“We're not gonna risk with their lives, Jug,” he smirks and looks back at us. “Okay. Both of you, in three weeks, on JB's birthday.”

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