Chapter 11

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“Juggie,” I whisper into the phone as I see the school already. I'm scared as hell.
“Baby, it's alright. Just go inside and into the principal's office and get your schedule.”
“Why couldn't you just go to the same school I am?” I ask sadly, making my way through the parking lot.
“I can only imagine the adorable pouty face on you at the moment,” he says.
I stand in front of the school now, all eyes on me, no matter if they're passing by or standing. “What did I have to do again?” I ask.
I hear him laughing at me through the phone, bringing a smile onto my lips as well. “You’re gonna be late, baby. Just go get your schedule and ask someone for help, okay?”
“No, I'm awkward,” I whine, going inside and looking around for the office. “And I'm scared, I hate changing schools in every few months.”
He sighs. “Betty, just do it as you've always done it. Try to find Kevin or Veronica or someone. Not the carrot.”
I chuckle at him. “Okay.”
“Okay. I'll see you at night, in your room?” he asks.
“Yeah. I love you,” I say quietly, pressing myself through the crowded halls, full of high school students I've never seen, but who obviously all know who I am.
“I love you too, survive on the Northside.” We end the call and I reach the office. I take a deep breath and knock on the door a few times before entering.
A woman is behind a counter full of piles of papers. She smiles at me sweetly and starts looking for something, knowing my name as well. I walk to the counter slowly. “Hi, I'm Betty Cooper?” I make it a question.
She gives me a small and a nod. “Yes, we've been waiting for you. Here's your schedule and the school plan in case you get lost. Also, I would like if you asked for a signing from every teacher who you have a new class with and then return it to us after the week.” I smile and give her a small nod, taking the papers. “Every teacher will give you the books needed just as to every other student.”
I nod again. “Thank you,” I breathe out.
She smiles and I go out of the room. First class is math in 107 with Ms. Popper. I already hate Mondays. Ugh. The bell rings. And I'm late. Great.
I start looking for the class. This school is like a hallway labyrinth. Somehow I end up finding the class ten minutes after the bell. All the eyes are me of course, but it's normal since I'm new. Again.
The teachers aren't too bad, they're all welcoming and most of them let me sit in the middle or in the back of the class like I prefer. They introduced me to the school rules and told everyone what we'll need to bring everyday for our Junior year. I just hope we won't move again and change schools. I sat with Kevin, Ronnie and Archie (who are dating again) during the lunch, so I wasn't the weirdo loner I am usually. They asked me all about the first day and, as for almost two months now, Veronica tried to get the boy's name out of me I like and am dating. Of course I didn't tell them.

“No, seriously. It was the best one yet. Even though most of the girls are bitchy,” I tell my three brothers in the video call.
“You seem too cheery,” Dan says, narrowing his eyes at me. He doesn’t believe me.
“I'm happy,” I say quietly.
“I don't believe you,” Jake says with a smirk.
“Guys, leave he-“ Nick starts, but gets interrupted by a loud crash making me jump and my head fly up to look towards the window where it came from. I see two hands on the window, holding onto it.
“Shit,” I spit out, throw my phone onto my bed and jump up.
“Betty, what's wrong? Is it dad?” I hear Dan's anxious voice asking from the phone. I don't answer it and look out of my window. The ladder has fell down and Jug is gripping onto the white window frame for his life. “Juggie,” I breathe out and give him my hand. He takes it and together we get him up to my room. We look at each other in shock and just a moment later burst out laughing. He pulls me into my arms and kisses my cheek as we laugh into each others' clothes.
“Betty, everything okay?” Jake asks worriedly, making Jug wince and look at my bed. He relaxes, seeing it's my phone.
“Elizabeth Cooper!” I hear my father yelling and a second after that, hard steps coming upstairs.
“Fuck fuck fuck, go into the bath, behind the curtain and don't come out before he's gone. Okay?” I ask as I'm blinking too fast, scared of what my dad will do to me.
“No, Betty. I'm not letting him hurt you,” he says worriedly, holding me tightly against him.
“Jug he's gonna only hurt me more if he sees you here,” I cry.
“Go behind the curtain. If he hurts her, come out,” one of my brothers says. I'm not sure who is it, because my mind is on totally different trail at the moment and I have no idea what to do.
“Fine,” Jug sighs and looks at me. “You get hurt, you call my name, okay?” he asks softly, his hand cupping my cheek. I nod rapidly. He kisses my hairline and then quickly slips into the bathroom. I jump onto my bed and grab my phone back just as dad steps into my room. I look at him, my face scared.
“Elizabeth!” he yells. I start breathing faster, nails burying themselves into my palms, opening the old scars, breaking the skin.
“I’m talking with my brothers,” I say with a shaky voice, tears threatening to spill. My chest is hurting and I don’t have enough air.
He grabs my phone. “Not anymore,” he says, ends the call and throws the phone out of the window. My eyes go wide. How will I talk to them now? I am unable to call them back. “What was that noise?!” he yells, grabbing me by my collar and lifts me up from the bed like this.
“I don't know. I swear,” I start crying. He slaps me hard. I feel the hot blood dripping down my cheek, making my eyes burn even more. He drops me onto the ground and goes out of the room, slamming the door behind him.
Jughead comes out of the bathroom and looks at me with widened eyes. He locks my door and runs to me. He quickly sits next to me, “Hey, shhh,” he whispers, taking me onto his lap. “Baby, it's okay,” he whispers as I hide my face into his shirt, sobs taking over my body. His arms protect me securely, one hand on the back of my head, holding it against his chest, just below his chin.
“I'm-“ a sob comes out of my throat again.
“Okay, calm down,” he says quietly and kisses the top of my head softly. “Everything’s gonna be okay.”

Thirty minutes later, he has cleaned me up and I'm sitting on his lap on the bed, his back resting against the headboard. My head is on his shoulder, eyes looking up into his. He's looking at me with a sad and guilty face, his thumb caressing my cheek softly.
“I’m so sorry, baby,” he sighs.
“You didn't throw that ladder down on purpose, Jug,” I smirk at him.
“How are you still not hating me? I just ‘caused you pain. You're too good for me,” he whispers and his lips connect with my temple.
I smile sadly and slide my fingers over his soft cheek. “Can I borrow your phone?”
“Yeah,” he sighs and gives it to me. “What happened with yours though?” he asks.
“My dad through it out of my window,” I say quietly. He lets a burst of laugh out of his mouth and I narrow my eyes at him.
“Sorry, just…” he keeps chuckling as I open his messenger. I type in Jake's name, ‘cause it's the easiest to find since his Facebook name is just stupid-ass strange. “What about me?” Jug asks quietly as I send a message to my brother.
“You stay here, they've been asking about you,” I say.
“They’ll be mad that I hurt you,” he says sadly.
“You didn't. Their father did, not you.” I lean up and kiss his cheek. “You helped me and I love you for that.”
He smiles sadly. “I love you too.”
In ten minutes, they've added Jug's profile to our group chat and he looks at me before joining the video call. “Here you go. You start. And feel free not to show me,” he says, handing me the phone as his arms are already around me. I giggle quietly and join the call. Immediately three worried faces stare at me.
“Betty,” they all breathe out. They can obviously see Jug's arms and shoulders and everything, but I'm not showing his face just yet.
“I’m fine. Dad threw my phone out of the window, but I promise I'll find it tomorrow,” I say. They burst out laughing as well. “First, be quiet, dad's downstairs. And second, why is this funny to everyone? I don't have a phone, all the money you've sent me is in the internet bank. I can't pay for stuff. I need stuff for school so fuck my life,” I mumble.
“I can give you money,” Jug says quietly.
I roll my eyes and look up at him. “And where are you gonna get that exactly?”
“From my dad?” he asks.
“You and JB are going to school. You need stuff.”
“He owns a bar, Betty, he can just take money and return it later. And yes, if it makes you feel better, I'll let you pay back later.”
“Why don't I believe that?” I narrow my eyes at him.
“Why don't you?” he asks with a grin. I purse my lips a little and he mocks my face the same way.
“About that, how long have you two been dating exactly? And why don't we know anything about it?” Dan asks.
“Yeah, I had to hear about it from Matt,” Nick smirks.
“It's kind of a secret…” I say.
“Seriously? Why?” Jake asks.
“What do you think why, you idiot?” Dan says and hits his head. We chuckle.
“Yeah, my dad and sister know, but no one else really does,” Jug says and then a huge grin comes onto his face and he looks down at me. “Though I wouldn't be surprised if soon all the Southside knew with your sneaking abilities.”
“You said it was fine,” I say quietly with a smirk and turn my head away.

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