Chapter 29

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September and October flew by so fast. As in Riverdale usually, there were a few gang wars, a few people got killed, being Ghoulies this time. We got less detention that we thought we were going to get for talking or kissing in class. Everyone has finally accepted that we are a couple, which means no more strange looks or anything. People are still afraid of us, but Pop is like the most genuine guy in the whole world and loves to see us together apparently. I work in the garage with FP and Hog Eye to fix cars and motorcycles and get money for it. They really love it when I'm there and tell them stupid stories about school and they also need help so everyone wins.
Now it's November. The end of November. The twins and Nick are all coming to visit for the Thanksgiving with their girlfriends, they're all getting here tomorrow. But for Christmas none of them can be here because they're all going to their girlfriends' families. I'm not mad or anything, FP said I can stay with them and that's exactly what I'm planning on doing.
“Betty Cooper?” I hear Kevin's voice. My mouth curls into a smile. I can audition with Veronica and Cheryl. They're gonna give us the roles for sure. I go on the stage next to Veronica.
“Uh, hi. I'm Betty Cooper, auditioning for Heather Duke,” I say. It sucks that I have to be this formal since it's Kevin, Moose and Midge who I'm talking to, but it's okay. I look at Jug for a moment who's sitting in the fifth row, smiling at me while filming us. I smile back and look at Kev.
“We just need all of you to sing a song,” Kevin says. “For the Heathers we made Seventeen a thing, because you won't be singing it in the musical. So go. Betty starts, Veronica is the next one and Cheryl after her, the chorus you can all sing together,” Kev says. We all nod and I take a de breath as the first few notes sound.
I look at Jug while singing it. “Fine, we're damaged. Really damaged. But that does not make us wise. We're not special, we're not different. We don't choose who lives or dies. Let's be normal. See bad movies. Sneak a beer and watch TV. We'll bake brownies or go bowling, don't you want a life with me? Can't we be seventeen? That's all I want to do. If you could let me in, I could be good with you.”
Veronica continues. Jug is still looking at me with the same hurt expression. He knows my childhood wasn't a childhood. He knows I don't wanna be 18 soon. He knows if I could, I would go back and change the fact that I was born. He knows everything and it hurts him. But with these few seconds he had to see that I'm happy to be seventeen. If we actually could and didn't have to investigate all that gang stuff or these murders and then get punished later for not letting the police do their job.
“You're the one I choose,” we all sing in the end and Jug is smiling at me sweetly, filming all of us. I look at Veronica and Cheryl, but for some reason they're trying to avoid each others touch and eyes.
“You're all cast, that was perfect. Amazing voices,” Moose says.

“Ronnie, wait up,” I say, stopping her before she sits in the car with Smithers. She gives me a smile, but I can see that it's not sincere.
“Smithers, I'll take her home,” I say. Ronnie sighs and nods. Smithers smiles at us and Veronica closes the door before he drives away. “V, what's going on? You've been quiet today.”
She sighs. “Are you free? Maybe we can go to Pop's and I can tell you?” she asks sadly and I see she's fighting tears. I smile a little and nod. I give her the spare helmet I bring with me incase someone needs a ride. I would give them mine, but Jughead doesn't allow that and neither does Nick or FP. I pull on the white one I always rude with. Jug has a black one with a crown scraped into it with his keys. He did the same to mine and I love it.
V wraps her arms around me tightly and I ride us to Pop's on my motorcycle. This feeling is the best one ever. I love riding this thing. When we get to Pop's we both order only milkshakes, I take vanilla, she chocolate, as usual, and we also share chilly fries that Pop's just likes to give out for free to us.
I look at her next to me and wait for her to start. She's staring at the table. “I broke up with Cheryl.”
I raise my eyebrows in shock. Did not see that coming. Why?” I ask, wrapping my arm around her shoulders as she leans on me.
“She cheated on me,” she says with a broken voice.
“What? With who?” I ask, getting mad.
“Toni,” her voice breaks in the middle of the word. Did not see that coming either.
I wrap both of my arms around her. “I’m so sorry, V,” I say quietly as she starts crying into my shoulder. I don't think she has told it to anyone. Usually she doesn't cry at anything. At least not with a voice. She needs to get her emotions out.
I never saw that coming. I mean, yes Cheryl has been a little distant from V from a while, but I never suspected anything serious. Tony and Peaches broke up a few months ago too. The worst thing is that we're all friends. Best friends. Peaches was with us because of Toni so she's not sitting with us anymore, but we can't just break up our friendship. I can't choose sides. I hate Cheryl and Toni at the moment, because what they did was wrong, but… Could I stay away from both of them? No. Veronica is my bestie and will always be that, so if they make us choose, I'm staying with her. Jughead and Toni have been friends their whole life. I'm not sure how that would work out. It just unbalances all of our group dynamic.
“Things aren't good at home,” Veronica says me in a few minutes when she's not crying anymore, but still next to me, my arm around her.
“What's wrong?” I ask sadly.
“Well, as you know, I'm living with my mom. But my dad… He's trying to manipulate her in some way. And someone pressed charges for something he did so now he's gonna have to pay a lot of money. And someone called him to the court, I have no idea why, but it drives me crazy.” She sighs.
“Hey, what if,” I say, making her look at me. “Let’s have a girls night.”
She starts smiling a little. “How does that look like this time?”
“You could come to mine for the night. And tomorrow we could… go shopping?” I ask.
She chuckles. “B. You hate shopping.”
“I do, but I'm willing to come with you and give you some advice. Also, I need some advice ‘cause I'm really growing out of my clothes and I need a new underwear.”
“To impress Jughead!” she smirks happily.
“He likes me without it,” I say, making her laugh.
“Seriously though. Let's skip school tomorrow, go shopping and have a good time.”
“Okay, but not in Riverdale,” she says.
“Let's go to New York,” I say.
She raises her eyebrows. “Two hours there, two back.”
I nod. “I have my bike, we can get there faster. Also… I want Starbucks, I miss it.”
She smiles so big and hugs me. “Thank you, Betty. For making me feel better.”
“Any time,” I smile and we stand up, grabbing the last fries and stuffing our mouth full of them, making each other laugh. “Let’s go get your stuff,” I say as we leave Pop's.

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