Chapter 16

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“Jug,” I say quietly. He looks at me with a smile and starts smiling bigger, seeing the uncertainty in my eyes. “Are you sure?”
“Baby, they're all gonna love you,” he says as we keep walking through the parking lot in front of the bar, Whyte Wyrm, hand in hand.
“What if they won't? What if they'll hate me?” I ask quietly.
He sighs and stops, making me do the same. He steps in front of me, taking both of my hands now. “And why would they do that?”
“I don't know,” I say softly.
He lets out an airy laugh. “See? Come on,” he says and kisses my forehead, dropping my one hand. When he pulls away, he kisses my nose quickly and pulls me with him. I smile, seeing how excited he is, because I am not.
We reach the door and he turns around to see if I'm ready. I lean up and kiss him softly. When we pull away he smiles and leans on the door, opening it.
We get inside and I see so many people in black leather jackets. I freeze and he stops a step in front of me, still holding my hand. He turns around and looks at me with a smirk.
“Hey guys,” I hear Jellybean's happy voice.
“Baby Coop,” Sweets announces, making everyone shut up and look at us. I feel the blood boiling in my cheeks and I hope I went pink not red. Jug starts smiling bigger and steps back in front of me.
“Couple of people my ass,” I tell him quietly. He imitates my pouty face and I smash his chest with my hand. I hear people sniggering without any voice and then Fangs and Sweets laughing out loud, Toni chuckling next to them.
Jug wraps me in his arms and leans down a little. “Give them a chance,” he whispers.
“All one hundred of them?” I whisper back madly. I feel him sniggering.
“Here are like 40 or something. And they're all really nice, okay?” he says quietly.
I sigh and look into his eyes. He raises his brows a little. “Okay,” I sigh. He smiles and looks back up normally as he kisses my forehead and then lets me go, taking my hand back in his.
We walk to his dad, another man and our friends. “So you actually came,” Sweets smirks.
“Oh shut up,” I say. They laugh at me. I look at the man.
“Oh, right. I'm Slurpe-.”
“Does everyone have these weird names?” I ask quietly.
He smirks. “Basically everyone, yeah. Toni has a normal one.”
“Thankful for that,” she smiles and takes a sip from some drink she's drinking.
“I’m Sweet Pea's dad,” he continues with a chuckle.
“Right, you're the reason these two are forced to be friends,” I say, pointing at Sweet Pea and Jug. They chuckle at me.
“Hey, you guys want a drink?” Toni asks us, behind the counter. She's working probably. She's looking at me.
“Uh, not really, thanks,” I say.
“Really? You're 16 and actually allowed to drink and you don't take the chance?” Sweets asks. I feel FP's eyes on me, so I look at him. His eyebrows are a little raised up, he probably thought I've told them at least.
“The whole point of alcohol is to get drunk and puke later. And get addicted,” I say. “So no. I don't drink.”
They're all looking at me with raised eyebrows. I bite my lip and look at the ground with little widened eyes than usual.
“Seriously? You're not supposed to think about that. You're supposed to be young and stupid and then later regret it and get your lesson,” Fangs says.
“I’ve gotten that already,” I say quietly. They don't know, what I'm talking about, but Jug and FP do.
“Okay, leave her alone. Jug, you?” Toni asks.
“Uh, not really.” I raise my eyebrows and look at him, tilting my head a little.
“The fact that I don't want to, doesn't mean you can't,” I say softly.
“I'm fine. And you're right. It's stupid.” He kisses my hair.

Besides that, the whole night went better than I thought. I was not entirely socially aqward and I got to hear a lot of stories about Jug when he was younger. The only embarrassing moment really was, when everyone had a chance to stand up and say what you're thankful for and both of us disagreed to do that, so they kept teasing us the whole night about it.
“You aren't doing it ‘cause you're afraid to spill something about how good the sex is, huh?” Sweets asked, making Jug give him the look, but me grin, hide my face in my hand and blush as much as possible.

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