Chapter 3

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Since they were showing you around and the fact they will let stay wouldn't it be right that you knew there names and they knew yours? All of a sudden the silver haired boy stopped and looked back at you. You stopped where you were and looked at him. "My name is Harry what's yours?" He asked you. Your eyes widened as you heard that.

Did he read my mind?

"O-Oh my name is Y/N." You told them. They all looked at you and Harry smiled.

"Zion." The red haired boy said to you. You smiled and then turned your head to the blonde haired boy.

He didn't look like he was into it. Honestly he looked like he was bored and didn't want to say. "this is stupid." He told you. Yep there it is. He didn't want to say his name. You looked at him and smiled. "If you don't want to then you don't have to." You spoke. The blonde looked at you and sighed. He looks like he's shocked, confused and defeated all at the same time.

"Fine.... My name is Eugene." He spoke back. You smiled and nodded your head.

Zion then told you all the others names and Harry said that the basement is off limits to anyone. Eugene showed you to your room and took the food that you brought  to the classroom where they were storing it. you was alone in the classroom when the door opened. You turned your head to the door and looked to see who it was. It was Lawrence. "Hey we are having a meeting. Can you come with me? Oh ain't you done?" He asked. You just dropped your bag on the ground and nodded your head at him.

You followed Lawrence out and into the classroom. There you saw everyone. The boy except Jay didn't look to happy about this. Judy hung her head, Hailey looked like she wanted to say something. And sue was sat down with her eyes closed, was she thinking? I don't know.

"Ok so we have to vote." Lawrence told everyone with a serious tone. You was a bit confused as to what they were talking about. You looked all of them and saw that Scarlett and Jay was smirking.

You walked up to Judy and whispered "what are they voting?" She looked at you and then sighed.

"People have asked if you could leave. They don't want you here." She said. Your eyes widened as you nodded your head. You then ran out. "Y/N wait." You heard Eugene's voice. You ran to your room and went to open the door. But you got stopped. You were pushed to the wall but is wasn't harshly. It was carefully. The hands was slammed by either side of your head. You looked at the person and you saw Eugene standing there.

Your eyes widened at the sight. He chased after you. (You didn't know neither did Eugene but the others came as well.) You looked into his orange coloured eyes. "Where are you going?" He asked you in a cold tone. You looked at him and then hung your head.

"None of you need to vote. I'll leave, if you didn't want me here you should have just told me." You told him.

He clenched his teeth together and then relaxed. "yeah ok maybe we should tell you if your not welcome. But we didn't so that means you are. You have a lot of people who doesn't want you to leave. Take your friend....Um....Judy." "you forgot her name didn't you." You said teasingly. "Shut up. Even Harry, Zion even if he don't admit it, Lawrence and Ethan doesn't want you to leave." He told you.

Your eyes just connected with his and you looked into them. "Euge......"

"You coming back or what?" He asked extending his hand to you. "Your a retard and you are way to nice for your own good." "How do you know? You just met me." "Shut up and let me finish......Right. Anyway you can't go out on your own. Come on." He said. His eyes softened a bit as he looked at you. You gave in and took his hand. Eugene turned around and saw the others standing there with a smile on there faces.

"Oh I see what's going on." You heard Zion say. Eugene looked at him with a raised eyebrow as soon as you looked down Eugene was holding your hand very delicately.

You giggled a little bit since you knew where Zion was coming from. Zion smiled since he knew you got it. All the others was really  confused. You tapped Eugene on the shoulder and whispered to him what Zion ment. His eyes widened and he let go of your hand then you stepped away and Eugene started to chase Zion to the classroom. Zion was laughing. You sighed and felt a hand on your shoulder.

"Let's go."

You heard Harry say to you. You saw Lawrence, Harry and Ethan smiling even if Ethan didn't look he was it was there just a small one. You walked back to the classroom and opened the door, you saw that Zion was still being chased by Eugene. You started to laugh while carried on running and chasing. Zion ran behind you and smirked Eugene stopped in front of you and clenched his teeth.

"Aw. Not going to hurt your little girlfriend." You heard Zion say while he was holding in place.

"Your dead." Eugene sounded really angry.

You smiled at him while he looked at you and calmed down a little. "Move." "I can't he's holding me." "Make him get off of you." "His grip is really strong." "I don't care. Find a way to move." "Like I said I can't." He was looking at you with a death stare. Zion was just standing there with a smile on his face.

"Ok. That's enough time to vote. Me and Ethan will leave and you guys think."

That's all you heard from Harry. Then him and Ethan left the room.

And done. Damn chapter 3 is finally done. And now for the rest. So....

Bye for now

To be Continued!

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