Chapter 9

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You woke up and the sun was shining through the window. You looked at the sky when you got up and you started to get dressed and fix your hair. When you finally done that you walked outside. And there was a....


Your eyes widened and you screamed as you ran down the hall. You numbed into something and you looked at who it was. You was looking at Zion.


Your eyes widened again and you ran behind him and held the back of his jacket. "What's going on?" He asked you kind of worried like. He turned his head to you as far as possible. You put your head on his back.

"Hahahahahahahahah!" You heard someone laugh.

You looked from behind Zion and saw Judy dying on the floor. It didn't take you long to actually get what was going on. "Hey not funny!" You threw a cloth that you saw on the floor at her. It hit her on the side and she was still laughing.

"What happened?" Zion asked kind of annoyed.

"She put a zombie mask on and pretend to be one." You said.

Zion sighed and looked at the mask. It did look real. He then looked at Judy and took the mask off of her. "don't do that. What if they actually hear and come this way?" He asked. Not in an angry voice, and not in a 'I am so coming to make you pay' it was more relaxed and more calm.

You and Judy both decided to follow Zion back to the room where you was hanging out and having the meetings. Scarlett being Scarlett, she was making death stares at you. While Eugene, Harry, Ethan, Lawrence and Zion was stood there silently. They didn't say a word. Until....

"So what was the little 'discussion' about then?" Eugene asked you all.

You, Judy and Eugene was looking at him. You were quite shocked that he even heard you since Zion wasn't shouting and he ain't a loud speaker. "Nothing much. Don't worry about it." Zion told him.

Eugene just shrugged it off and then turned to the others. "Maybe we should start!" You heard Sue say.

You all nodded your heads at her and then the meeting began. Everything was normal. Everyone was here yada yada yada. But you couldn't help but think that something is very wrong.

But what?

You made eye contact with Eugene but he looked away from you. His cheeks were turning pink. Blushing? Nah it's Eugene that we are talking about. No way would he be blushing right?

You moved you gaze to Lawrence. He was telling everyone that we need more food. So he made a small group of people. Eugene, you, Jay and Zion. That's the team that will be looking for food. You sighed and then the four of you got up. And got some weapons.

Just in case.

All four of you then started to walk into the town. You stayed close to the boys since you have no fighting experience. "Ok why don't me and Jay find something to drink. Eugene and Y/N go and find some food. We will meet there at the sign in about two hours. That should be plenty of time to find food and drink." You heard Zion tell you all.

You looked at Eugene and then nodded your head. And the both of you left. You was walking trying not get get in Eugene's way but also trying to stay close to him. You sighed and he looked at you. "What's wrong?" He asked you.

You looked at him and gave a small smile and shocked your head at him. He turned to the front to watch where he was going and finally you reached a shop. You and Eugene both went inside and looked around. It wasn't much there. But the things that was there was useful. You packed some of the food in your bag but made sure that none of them was open. Can't be too careful right?

"Damn it." You heard Eugene say.

You walked towards him and then saw that he was looking down. You walked to him and then looked at what he was looking at. It was his phone. It was on 8%.

Oof. Wait I have my charger.

You pulled out your charger and have it to him. Luckily you have lots of condapters. To fit nearly every phone. And another good thing was you had one that fitted his phone. You turned to you and gave a small smile.

That's cute~ WAIT WHAT!?

You mentally scolded yourself for thinking like that and then carried on looking since you couldn't find anything you tried a different shop. And then a different again, and again. Sooner or later it was time for all of you to meet up at the sign. You saw Zion and Jay standing there.

And of cause Jay didn't look very happy.

"How'd you do?" Zion asked you.

You and Eugene showed them your bags. It was full of food. Zion nodded his head at you and then you spoke.

"And you?"

The it was there turn to show you what they got. It was a lot and all four of you decided to make your way back to the school. Of cause you all tried to keep very quite not to attract any attention from the zombies. You didn't want to see them anyway. No one did.

After all they were FUCKING ZOMBIES!

Once you made it back to the school you went to the meeting and showed everyone what you all gathered from your little trip. They were all shocked at how much you got and even Scarlett was happy. For once. Jay smiled a bit.

"Great work guys!" You heard Lawrence say to all.

"I know I'm so great. Hehe...."

You giggled at what Zion said. Judy smiled and the others laughed at him.


"*Laugh* nothing." You told him.

"Ok everyone get some rest."

Lawrence ends the day and then you moved to your classroom.

Thanks for reading.

Bye for now

To be Continued!

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