Chapter 23

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Sorry for not updating guys.

Once you woke up you felt the sun hitting against your skin. You woke up and then saw that Judy was still sleeping and so was everyone else. You got up and walked out of the room. You sat outside and then stared at the wall. You was wondering if your brother (Ayato) was alright and your mother plus your father. You know your not the only one out there to go through with this worrying about your family but still.

Ayato, you better be ok.
Mother and Father the same with the both of you. I know we can get out of this alive. I just know it. Please be alive. Please!

You put your head in the knees as if to protect you from the sun. All of a sudden you felt a tap on your shoulder. It was Ethan. Your eyes widened as he sat down next to you. "Sorry did I wake you up?" You asked him. He shock his head at you and then looked at the wall as well. You and Ethan was sat in silence but it was a comfortable silence. It was like when ever you were with Ethan.

You loved it.

You didn't have to talk with him you could just enjoy each others company. You sat there and then got up. "I'm going to take a walk." You told him. Ethan grabbed your wrist. You turned back to him and saw him getting up. "Not without me." He told you. You sighed and then nodded your head at him.

He got up and then the both of you started to walk away. You didn't know where you was going you just wanted to walk somewhere. "Ethan?" You called out. He hummed in response to you and you continued. "Do you like me?" You asked him. He looked at you with a raised eyebrow.

"Why?" He asked you.

You shrugged your shoulders at him. But you think he doesn't since he never actually talks to you like the others. "Yeah....Your ok I guess." He told you. And for some reason that was enough to you. You was happy with that response so you smiled and nodded your head at him.

The both of you continued to walk and then you looked at Ethan. You saw that he had an emotionless look on his face. But he held so much emotion in his eyes. You continued to smile knowing that he doesn't hate you.

You always wanted to be Ethan's friend so that made you happy to know that he didn't hate you. You and him took a walk everywhere. You didn't go outside so....I guess not everywhere.

You and Ethan didn't talk that much which was fine with you since you didn't know what to talk about. You didn't know what he liked. (Pretend you don't know ok?) So what could you actually talk about with him?

You could try and find out what he likes but what's the point you have to get back soon so there is no point. You got to the end of the school and then looked at Ethan. "I guess that's our signal to turn back." You told him.

He looked at you and then nodded his head, you have always wanted to spend more time with Ethan and now you can. Which made you very happy that you could do that. When you was on your way back you could feel the cold weather hitting your skin. You put your arms around your body to try and keep yourself warm. But it wasn't working you quickened your pase.

Ethan following after you. When you finally got there you opened the door and saw that everyone was still sleeping. You and Ethan snuck in and closed the door quietly. Not waking up any of them. You are going to be on patrol with Ethan. You have no idea where but you will. Lawrence (Die!!!!) Have already told you.

You closed your eyes letting the darkness take over you.

Sorry that short I'm currently in class writing this. And I have to be careful. So ya. If I get caught my phone will be taken off me.

Well thanks for reading guys.

Bye for now

To be Continued!

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