Chapter 17

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Earlier on everyone was laughing and having a fun and good time. The thing that made you happy the most is because you made Zion and Ethan laugh. The two people that always have a frown on there faces had a smile on them instead.

You was in your room since again, it wasn't your turn to go on patrol. You sat down on the floor and looking up, all of a sudden you heard the door. You opened it and saw Ethan there. "It's your turn for the patrol right? Judy is all ready." He told you. You nodded your head and then got up.

"Thanks Ethan." You said to him.

You walked out and went into town. It's still early in the morning. You and Judy went to the nearest convenience store and went inside. You saw a closed bottle of water and because you was really thirsty you drank most of the bottle.

It's a shame that it wasn't water!

Once you finished drinking you couldn't stand anymore. Judy saw this and fasted-walked up to you. She saw that you was drunk and sighed. "Damnit." She said to you. She put your arm around her shoulder and carried you back. Luckily there was no zombies around.

When got to the gate you looked up, "but mommy I don't wanna go to school~" you said to her. She walked into the classroom and everyone looked at you.

"Come on Y/N stand." You heard Judy say.

But you couldn't, you moved your head up and saw all the boys looking at you. They explained that the others went to get someone other things from different places. So now it was just, Lawrence, Harry, Ethan, Zion and Eugene. You wobbled over to Ethan and then feel. He caught you and helped you up. "Y/N! Get here now." Judy told you.

"But mommy~"

Everyone else was so confused at this point they had no idea what's going on. Judy then explained to them that you drank something that was sealed in the shop. You thought it was water but it clearly wasn't. "Idiot." That's all Zion to you. The others sighed and then Ethan picked you up bridle style. "Ethan. Did you know your cute and I want you to marry me~!?" You asked him. The others looked shocked that you said that, but Ethan looked at you with soft eyes.

"That's the alcohol talking." He told you. 

Ethan made you sit in the chair and the others say down at that table as well. "Your a wizard Harry." You said to him. He smiled and then shocked his head at you.

"I'm not that Harry."

"Mommy! Daddy's looking at me weirdly." You said looking at Eugene.

He blushed a little bit but then shocked his head. "I'm not your father." He told you. You started to laugh and everyone looked at you.

"You said it wrong! It's....Luke I am your father!"

After that they all started to laugh. You turned to Zion and saw him lookin gout the window. You thought of something that you could say to get a reaction from him. "Zion.... I love you~!" You told him. His eyes widened as well as the other boys plus Judy.

"No you don't."

(I'm going to time skip to when your going sleep. All with be clear soon!)

"Yeah I do....Nape time!" You said to them.

Soon after you said that you feel to sleep. When you woke up your head was hurting really hurting. Really badly. "Ouch. My head." You said out loud.

"your awake." You turned your head and saw Ethan.

"Ethan what happenened?"

He looked at you and then walked by the chair and sat down next to you. "You was drinking." He told you. Your eyes widened and then you hung your head.

"Ahahaha. It was pretty funny!" You heard Zion say.

You flashed your head towards him and saw him laughing. He looked like he could get his pay back. But for what? He walked in and sat down. "Y/N care to repeat what you said earlier or don't you remember?" Zion asked you. You titled your head At him and shocked his head.

"Zion.... Don't...." You heard Ethan say to him and glaring at him.

I don't get it!

"What!?....Oh no I am. So Y/N I'm going to tell you exactly what you said to all of us. But in stages." Zion told you.

You looked at him and then nodded. He told you what you said to Ethan and Eugene and Harry and lastly him. Your face got darker and darker with the colour red. "Stage 2." He told you. You looked at him and from the corner of your eyes you saw Ethan shaking his head.

~~Flash Back~~

You got up and walked....Or should I say wobbled over to the wall. The wall was whiteish but it looked like it was from a horror movie. "Congratulations on getting a part in 'Saw' wall!" You told the the wall with a happy expression.

Ethan got up and walked over to you. Then made you sit back down in the chair.

~~End of Flash back~~

"Thank you Ethan."  You told him. You turned to him and saw him nodding his head.

"Stage 3."

You looked at Zion with a worried look on your face.

He told you everything that you done. Including congratulating a table in getting a part in every show or film ever created. You face palmed your self after hearing that. "Oh but that ain't the best part. Ethan can you leave for a minute?" Zion asked him. Ethan hesitated for a minute but then nodded at him. You looked at Zion then moved your head to Ethan and looked at him as if to plead to him not to go. But he left.

You turned your head back to Zion and then he looked at you. "Everyone left for a couple of minutes. And they don't know what you said to me." He told you.

And I'm going to stop there for now. Lol cliffhangers....I'm an asshole.


Hope your enjoying the story.

Bye for now

To be Continued!

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