Chapter 14

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Zion's POV

About 10 after I left I came back, I saw Scarlett and Y/N in the classroom and I guess my curiosity got the better of me since I didn't go in. I opened the door slightly and listened to what they both said. "Stay away from him." I heard Scarlett say. But I don't know who they are talking about.

"It's not up to you if he wants to talk to me, if he does what do I ignore him?" I heard Y/N say to her.

"Yes. I don't care if you like him. Stay away from him. Got it. Or I will make your life miserable and I will make sure he hates you." I heard Scarlett say.

I wanted to stop them but I didn't, I wish I did but my body didn't even move. I wonder who they are talking about. Sooner or later Scarlett left I hid until she was gone. Then I went back to the door. "I'm sorry. I can't ignore you but I don't want you to hate either." I heard Y/N say. She sounded really sad. I sighed and then went back to my room.

Minutes later we had a meeting. So I got up and went to the classroom and sat down. I was opposite Y/N who had her head down. "Zion, Y/N how was your patrol?" I heard Lawrence ask us. I turned my head to Y/N and looked at her.

"You want to tell them?" I asked her.


I raised an eyebrow and shrugged it off, "it was normal nothing to report." I told him in teasing voice. He might be our leader but he takes his job way too seriously. So I try and lighten the mood. They all laughed a bit except from Y/N. Now I'm worried.

"Y/N. Are you ok?" I asked her.

She didn't lift up her head to look at me and she didn't answer me. I raised an eyebrow again but this time I don't let it go. Ethan went up to her and tapped her on the shoulder. She turned her head to him and looked at him. "You ok?" He asked her.

"Yeah. I'm fine thanks for asking." She told him.

Now I'm confused. She's ignoring me but answering others. It's almost like....Oh my god!

"Don't listen to Scarlett. I can't hate you." I told her. Everyone was confused except from Scarlett and Y/N. Y/N eyes widened as I said that.

"You heard that!?" I heard Scarlett say/ask me.

I looked at her and nodded my head. I looked at her and then opened my mouth. "If she wants to talk to me, I will talk back and if I want to talk to her you can't stop me." I told her. Scarlett looked so shocked while Y/N kept her head down.

"What's going on?" I heard Lawrence ask. When I looked at everyone else I saw that they were completely and purely confused. "Scarlett told Y/N not to talk to me and to stay away from me." I told them.

"Why?" I heard Harry ask while looking at Scarlett and Y/N.

Reader-Chan's POV

"Scarlett told Y/N not to talk to me and to stay away from me." I heard Zion say. My eyes widened as he said that. I didn't even realised that he was listening. I was shocked, I really didn't know.

"You heard that!?" I heard Scarlett say/ask Zion.

She didn't even know.

I moved my eyes to Zion but I hung my head down. My mind flashed back to the argument.

~~Flash Back~~

Once everyone left the room you and Scarlett stayed behind. "What's was with you and Zion?" She asked you. You looked at her and shrugged your shoulders. It was none of her business so you didn't tell her.

"Stay away from him." You heard her say.

"What!? Why?" I asked her.

"Because I know you hate him really."

"Your wrong."

You did like him, you liked everyone here except from her. The way she ran over to him like she had crush on him. "You have a crush on Zion don't you?" You asked her. She looked at you and gave a death stare.

"No. I just don't want you to have him."

You couldn't believe what you just heard her say. "Stay away from him." She told you.

"It's not up to you if he wants to talk to me, if he does what do I ignore him?" I told her.

"Yes. I don't care if you like him. Stay away from him. Got it. Or I will make your life miserable and I will make sure he hates you." I heard her say.

I couldn't believe what she just said. I can't let him hate me, I have had enough of that. Everyone in my school (out of the girls) started to bully me because I was pretty and the boys just kept on wanting you for themselves. So the girls got jealous. "I'm sorry. I can't ignore you but I don't want you to hate either." I said out loud. No one was there so I said it out loud.

~~End of Flash back~~

"Why?" I heard Harry asked Zion.

Zion looked at me and then looked back at him. He didn't know that Scarlett just didn't want me to be with him. "I don't know. But I heard it. I even heard what Y/N said when she thought she was alone." Zion told everyone.

My eyes widened as he said that. He heard me, "I can't hate you. Look at what you did, you helped us out a lot. How could I?" He told you.

Your eyes widened.

"Scarlett you don't get to decide who I talk to or not. Your not and never will be my girlfriend and your definitely not my mother." Zion told her.

I turned my head towards Scarlett and saw that she was shocked. But Lawrence decided to end the meeting and we all went to our classrooms.

And done~

Bye for now

To be Continued!

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