Chapter 10

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When you got up you saw that Judy was talking to someone at the door. You brushed your hair and went to the door. It was Harry he was talking to Judy. "Oh good morning Y/N." Harry told you. You looked at him still half asleep and then slightly nodded your head. "Aw cute~" you heard Judy say you playfully slapped her and then you washed your face.

But your still half asleep, so when you went to the classroom you almost fell to the ground but someone caught you. When you looked to the person you were shocked but to tired to show it. The person who caught you was Ethan. "Are you ok?" You heard him ask you. You looked at him and then nodded your head. He helped you in but you was to tired to do anything.


You heard someone laughing but you didn't care. Guess the nights that you stayed up and not getting any sleep have caught up with you. Even though you did go to sleep you didn't have a lot of it. Ethan helped you to sit down and you listen to the meeting. As beast as you could.

"Ok let's get started first........So then we could also........Y/N........."

You started to fall asleep when Zion shocked your shoulder. You snapped and you turned to Lawrence. "S-sorry what?" You asked him again.

"What do you think of the plan?"

"What plan?"

Everyone looked at you with pure shock. You always pay attention to the meetings and to what everyone says. But not this time.

"Have you had any sleep?" You heard Harry ask you.

"Altogether I......."


"Wha....sorry. I have had 4 hours for the full time. Good huh!"

"NO GO TO BED!" You heard Zion say.

"N-No. I might miss something." You said to him.

"I-if you do I'll tell you." You heard Hailey say to you quite nervous.

You looked at her and was about to shake your head. But someone picked you up bridle style. When you looked up you saw Zion. "no argument your having rest." You grunted while tried to get out of his grip. But you was too tired to even move. Zion went to your classroom and set you down.

"Any one of us will tell you what you missed in the meeting. So get rest."

"Thank you Zion."

"I just can't believe we didn't even notice that you haven't have enough sleep. Guess we are so stupid." Zion told you while looking back at you.

"It's fine. I didn't even think that my body would shut down if I didn't have enough sleep." You told him.

He looked at you with a frown on his face. "Idiot. Get some sleep and then later I or anyone else will tell you what will happened." Zion told you.

"Thank you." Right after you said that you fell right to sleep.

Zion's POV

How did I not see that she was very tired? She must think that we don't care. All of care about each other but some (Scarlett) don't like to show it.

I walked back to the 1-C classroom where we all have our meeting. When I opened the door everyone was looking at me. "she's sleeping." I told them.

"*Mumbles* I can't believe I didn't even notice if she was tired. Damn it." Harry said as quickly as possible but I still heard it. I sighed and then meeting continued.

Nothing that we haven't said before. It was about getting what we needed in the town and stuff like that. I saw that Eugene looked worried, Harry looked upset with himself, Ethan kept looking at the door and Lawrence was talking but with a confused tone of voice while speaking. He was trying to hide it but I knew.


Judy was looking at the floor, Scarlett was looking at the wall from the corner of her eyes, Jay stared at the wall, Hailey was looking Lawrence while frowning and Sue was looking at the table.

We were wondering how we didn't notice that she was tired. And I guess we were blaming ourselves for it.

Once the meeting was over Harry walked up to Judy and asked her something. They both went out together and I went with them. They went to Y/N and Judy's room when we stepped we saw that she up and by the window. I clenched my hands into a fist and then walked up to her.

"I thought I told you to get some rest." I told her. Snapping her out of her daydream.

She turned her head to me and gave a small smile. "Oh hi Zion."

"Hi Harry."

"Hey Judy."

"Don't 'oh hi Zion' me. I told you to get rest. How much now?" I said to her in a slightly angry tone of voice.

"I slept for an hour."

"Damn it Y/N." I told her.

That's when Harry walked up to her and told her that she is going to be partners with Scarlett later and that she is going to go back into town and get things that we might need but not food and drinks since we have enough for now.

"So you see you need rest. How about this. You get rest until tonight since that's when your going. That way we get our way and you get your way. So far you had 5 hours sleep. With the 5 hours we have until night that should make it up to 10 hours. And you can take your food with you when your out." Harry told her.

She sighed and then nodded her head. She got up and was about to fall when Judy caught her. She layed down. Then....

Knock knock.

"Come in." I heard Y/N.

The door opened and we saw Eugene standing there. When he saw Y/N awake his eyes widened. "You should be resting."

And I'm going to stop there. Thanks for reading.

Hope your enjoying it.

And I finally finished the game but playing it again because It was so damn fun and it kept me busy.

Bye for now

To be Continued!

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