Chapter 11

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The door opened and we saw Eugene standing there. When he saw Y/N awake his eyes widened. "You should be resting."


"I'm fine Eugene." You told him but he did care. He looked at you with a worried look on his face. And then opened his mouth to speak.

"Why are you hear?"

You heard Zion say to him. Eugene then looked like he just remembered what he wanted to tell you. He walked up to you and then gave you your charger back. Your eyes widened as you almost forgot about it. "I forgot that I let you borrow it." You told him. He looked at you and then sighed.

"You should be resting." Eugene told you.

"Oooo. Someone has a girlfriend~" (Zion)

"She ain't my girlfriend." (Eugene)

"Oooo. Someone has a crush~" (Zion)

Eugene looked at Zion with a sort of death stare. While Zion was looking at Eugene with a smirk on his face like he planned for this reaction from him. You tried to get up but someone pushes you back down. When you looked it was Judy. She shocked her head and then the door opened again. And you could see Ethan walking in.

"I came to tell you that you and Eugene are partners now." Ethan told "how are you anyway?" He asked you.

"Fine." (Y/N)

"Lier!" (Zion)

You rolled your eyes at him and then nodded your head. "Alright I will get rest now. Happy?" You asked everyone. They all nodded their heads.

~~Time skip brought by Eugene~~

Judy woke you up ready for you and Eugene to on patrol. You got ready in warm clothes and took your phone. Just in case. You met up with Eugene and you got a weapon. "How much sleep did you get?" He asked you with a concerned look in his bright orange eyes.

"Don't worry about me. What about you?" You asked him.

He nodded his head at you and then grabbed the perfect weapon for him. You also got a great weapon for you as well. You went the meeting room, room 1-C and walked in. Everyone looked at you and Eugene.

"Ready?" Harry asked you both.

You and Eugene nodded your heads at him, and you smiled which he returns. Harry's smile make me feel so comfortable and relaxed. "Make sure you come back." Zion said.

"Aye Mr worry wort." You told him. "What! I-I'm not worried. Idiot." You heard him say as his face went a bit red.

"Sure. I believe you." You say sarcastically.

"Tch. Get going already. Seriously though if you both get hurt I'll beat you." He mumbled the last part so you didn't hear.

"Right we're off. Bye!" (Eugene)

"Be careful." (Lawrence)

"We will." (Y/N)

"If there is trouble come straight back." (Ethan)

Since the others had to do other things, you and Eugene had to do this on your own. Normally you had to go in groups but there wasn't anyone free and you were running out of food, so you had to go even if it's just the two of you.

You finally found a shop that had a lot of food the only problem was that you walked farther than what you was supposed to in the first place but you found a lot of food. You filled two bags and Eugene filled his duffle bag and a rucksack. And another bag. There was so much.

"Let's go back now." Eugene told you.

You nodded your head and then the both of you made your way back. "Grrrrrr." Yours and Eugene's eyes widened as you heard that noise. You both started to run but the herd of zombies came chasing after you. Eugene gave you the bags and told you to run. "I can't leave you...."

"Yes you can. Now go!"

"Fine I can....but I won't. We are going to go back together." You told him.

He turned his head to you and blushed but shocked it off. "Please. Just go!" He shouted at you and trying to make you go. But you wouldn't leave him. He fought off the Zombies he best he could but they kept on making their way towards you in big massive group. You grabbed Eugene's arm and started to to run away.

You ran and ran and ran you tried to out run them but to no avail. They kept chasing you but you couldn't stop running if you did you and Eugene could be turned into one of them. You tried running back to the school but more Zombies joined in the group so now there are even more of them. "Y/N let go. I will fight them off so you can escape." Eugene told you. You can tell that he's scared but he doesn't want you to die. And of cause you don't want him to die either.

You ignored him telling you to let him go. "I can't let you die Eugene." You kept telling him

As soon as you ran by a corner zombies came at you. Eugene escaped from your grip and pushed you out of the way. You landed on the floor but luckily you managed to save food. Your eyes widened and you got up. You saw Eugene fighting them but struggling to. Your body moved on its own and you started to fight off the zombies from him.

Once you did you saw that he was lying on the floor with blood coming out of his head. Your eyes widened. You looked over him and didn't see anything that looked like a bite mark. He didn't have it. So you picked him up and carried him while running. When you needed to take a break you bandaged his head and then carried on running. Eugene woke up not long later when you got back to the school.

"Ask two of the boys to come and check me." You heard him say while going back to his room.

Thank you.


guess we will have to find out next chapter.

Bye for now

To be Continued!

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