Chapter 7

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You woke up because Judy thought it was time for you to. Once you opened your eyes you decided to get changed in more warm clothes since it is cold out side. Once you got dressed you and Judy went to the room and saw everyone there. "Since Judy and Y/N finally arrived we can start." You heard Lawrence say with a smile on his face.

"Let's begin." He once again.

He put everyone into pairs and told where to check. You was going with Lawrence and you was checking the principals office. You sighed and you nodded your head. You found out the door was already open but you still had to check.

So I brought the key for nothing.

You and Lawrence walked out the room once everyone was out of the room. You smiled at the face that Eugene pulled since he had to be with Scarlett. It was pretty funny. Once you got up to the Principals office you took one side and Lawrence took the other.

You had to check that there was no cracks in walls or floors, and Lawrence had an idea that the both of you should start on the end and work your way around to the middle so you both know when to stop looking on the walls.

So that's what you did.

You was looking and looking and looking but so far no cracks. Once you got the middle you looked up and Lawrence was very close to your face. Your face went red at how close he was.

Oh my god! He is really fucking close right now.

You and him backed away a little and then you looked at him. His face was a little red as well. "Find any?" He asked you. You shock your head and he nodded. "Same here. Let's check the floor now." You nodded and then started to check.

Again nothing. Which was a good thing since they can't get in this way. Right?
Well you know that the zombies are really strong. But are they that strong they can break through?


Well you don't know since you have never been caught by one. After you checked the floor you shocked your head at Lawrence and he done the same.

So this room is clear!

Lawrence then went up to a chair and sat down. You looked at him and he looked at peace. "Lawrence is something wrong?" You asked him. He looked at you and shocked his head. "Lier. You can tell me." You told him. He looked at you and then smiled.

"When I woke that morning I thought it was going to be a normal boring Monday morning but I was wrong. I saw my friends die. And some of my family." He told you.

Your eyes widened and you started to think about your mother and father. I'm sure they are alright. I hope. You nodded your head and you walked up to him. You then hugged her to try and comfort him. His eyes widened slightly and he hugged you back.

"Lawrence. You have everyone here that is with you now. Even if one or two are stuck up bitches. We are all here for eachother. So don't worry." You told him.

He gave a small smile on his face and he nodded his head. You and him let go of each other and then smiled. "Let's go back." You told him. He nodded his head at you and then the both of you left.

Once you got back to the classroom you saw nearly everyone there. Eugene and Scarlett weren't there. You all waited for them to show. A couple of minutes later they finally arrived. "Find anything?" Harry asked them. Eugene looked pissed and Scarlett just looked like a bitch....Wait that's normal. You focused on Eugene and he shocked his head.

He then turned to you and he looked at you. Still looking pissed. "What about you?" He asked you. You shocked your head back at him. Lawrence checked with all the others but they didn't find anything either.

After that you all went back to bed since it was around two in the morning.

Like what I said last chapter. Sorry that it was short. But all I could think of. It will be a little more chapter until the next one. If you want a pacific boy then please say and I will make one of him. But if not. Then I will think which one I will do.

....Maybe Harry....


IDK Yet.

Thanks for reading.

Bye for now.

To be Continued!

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