Chapter 15

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Nobody's POV

You heard banging on the window and that's what woke you up. When you looked it was raining. Your eyes widened because the Zombies will be more active now. You made your way to the 1-C classroom after you got dressed and done what you needed to do.

Once you made it there everyone was there and Lawrence told everyone that it was Zion, Harry and Jay that will go out into town today. Your eyes widened and you looked at each of them. "Guys you better be careful." You told them, Harry looked at you with a smile. Zion looked at you which a little but of shock and Jay was looking at you with shock and a small smile on his face.

"We will." Harry told you.

Zion walked up to you and patted your head, it made you feel safe. When you was around others it made you feel safe. Sue looked at you and smiled a little. Hailey was looking down. "Don't worry. We all will make it back safely." Zion told you.

"You better or I'll beat you." You told him.

You hung your head down and he smiled, of cause you didn't notice it. "I'll beat you up first though." You heard Eugene say to them. Zion turned to him and smiled. Then nodded his head.

"Right. We won't let you down." Zion said to everyone.

"Be careful." Ethan told them.

Harry nodded his head and then they left. You walked to the window and then watched them leave. All carrying weapons with them. You sighed and then felt a hand on your back to comfort you. You turned your head and saw Eugene standing there. You looked at him and he looked worried as well. But he opened his mouth anyway.

"They'll be fine. I know they will." He told you.

You looked and smiled. He was trying to cheer you up as well as him. You nodded your head at him and the both of you stood there without saying anything. Until Eugene decided to talk. "What's your brother's name?" He asked you. You looked at him and then sighed.

"Ayato." You answered him.

He looked at you and nodded, "how old is he?" He asked.

"13." You told him.

You saw that he was looking down at the floor. This should have never happened. A Zombie outbreak and it spread in no time at all and to make it even worse. It was over night. My brother is fine. I know he is, he's really good at sports so he has a weapon. And he's good at fighting. Which is good. I know he is still alive. You continued to look out the window. Then went back to your classroom after saying bye to Eugene.

Once you went to your classroom you walked in and saw that Judy was looking out the window, "Judy?" You said to her. She turned her head at you and gave a small smile on her face.

You saw that she was worried about them, you told everyone what you know about the zombies and this includes that since you knew it. You walked up to her and smiled, "don't worry. They have Zion with them. Even if he's an asshole he's strong." You told her. She laughed a little bit and then nodded her head at you.

"Yeah your right."

And with that you and Judy looked out the window. "Do you like any of them?" You asked her. She turned to you and titled her head. "I guess, Lawrence is ok. What about you?" She asked you.

"I like them all equally." You told her.

I can't tell her that I like....

"Ok fair enough." She told you.

Hours later and the three of them returned, you went to meet them. When you got to the classroom they all looked worn out you ran to the classroom where you keep the food and drinks and grabbed three bottles of water. Then ran back. You passed them all one and they thanked you.

"No problem. Why the rush?" You asked them.

"A herd of zombies came after us. We had to run really fast." (Harry)

"I thought we was going to die." (Jay)

"Yeah no kidding." (Zion)

They didn't get hurt but they was reckless, so from Jay to Zion to Harry you hit them all on their heads. "Ouch." Jay said rubbing his head.

"What was that for you bitch?" Zion said looking at you angrily.

"Was that really necessary?" Harry asked you.

You looked at them all with the death stare. You clenched your fists together and carried on looking at them. "How far did you go out?" You asked them. Harry knew where this was going so he hung his head down. That have you your answer. But to clarify Jay answered.

"Pretty far." Jay told you with a frown.

Your eyes widened as you heard it. You looked at them with a even worse stare than the death stare. "Your all so stupid. Zion you gave me and Eugene a lecture about going to far, and then you did. Luckily none of you got hurt so I won't beat you up. And don't make me worry about you again. Got it you three?" You asked them and told them.

Jay seemed shocked that you told him and gave him the lecture as well. Zion nodded his head and look towards the wall and Harry smiled while nodding his head. They were sat down because they were exhausted. You sighed and then walked towards the window. Ethan, Eugene, Lawrence and the others was looking at them like they was going to say the same thing you said.

"Anyway. We have a lot of food and drinks. We even got some more weapons." Zion said.

"And medicine." Jay told everyone.

"And bandages" Harry told you all.

You turned back around and saw that they filled there bag right up to the top with the things. You sighed. You and Ethan took there things and put them where they needed to be.

And I'm going to stop this chapter there. It's really hard to make sure that you spend time with each of them. Except Lawrence....

Getting back to topic.

I tried to make sure you spend time each of them but I don't think it's working. Still going to continue it though. Just incase. And I'm going to do the two parts of there nightwatch.... Except from Lawrence, that killed me the first time because he's a....

I think you get the point of how much I hate him.

Anyway thanks

Bye for now

To be Continued!

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