Chapter 5

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You was laying on your new bed next to Judy, you still couldn't get to sleep. Ethan told you that you should try and rest since each day will be exhausting. So you went to your classroom. Why would I be doing now?.... I know I would be watching anime right now. But that was when there was zombies around. You was looking up at the ceiling but no matter what you couldn't get to sleep.

Not long later the sun set its gaze in the sky making it really bright. You sighed and got up. You got into new clothes since you had news one. (Well ain't you prepared.) And then Judy woke up. You smiled at her and then she smiled back. "morning." She said to you. "Morning." You responded with. You walked out of the classroom and looked to your left, you saw Harry, standing there with a smile on his face.

"Morning Y/N. Did you sleep well?" He asked you with a smile on his face.

You smiled as well. His smile can make you forget about everything that's going on. You looked at him and then shocked your head. "First Morning. Second no I couldn't sleep." You told him. He looked at you and then sighed.

"Well please try you won't have any energy unless you get sleep. Tonight please try." Harry told you. You smiled at him and nodded your head.

"Ok I will." You said to him.

You walked to the meeting with Harry and you waited for Judy to arrive. Once she did the meeting began. "Ok so we have to talk about the patrolle's." You heard Lawrence say. You looked at him and then nodded your head.

"Ok so Y/N and Harry will check the courtyard. If you see zombies then kill as many as you can and get back. If there are too many then just get back as fast as possible. But if there are no zombies then check the walls see if there are any cracks." He told you.

You and Harry both looked at eachother and smiled. Then nodded your heads. After he was done you walked over to Harry and smiled at him. "After the partroll you need to get some sleep." Harry whispered to you. You looked at him and smiled while nodded your head.

"Oh hey look! Zion, Harry stealing your girlfriend~" You heard Eugene say to Zion. You giggled a bit.

Eugene is always saying that things are stupid or its bullshit or its a east of time. But sometimes he can be very funny and cute. Zion looks pissed off and was about to grab his crowbar. But instead you took it. "Your not supposed to hurt your friends." You told him in a teasing tone. Zion looked at you and then took the crowbar off of you.

"Whatever." He said and then put down the crowbar.

You turned to Harry and sighed. He smiled at you and then you smiled. You walked out of the room and then walked to your classroom. "Y/N!" You heard Lawrence's voice. You turned to face him. As your E/C orbs met with his Brown ones you smiled.

"What is it Lawrence?" You asked him.

"Are you ok?"


"Are you sure?"

"Yeah? Sorry what is this about?"

You looked at him with a confused look covering your E/C eyes. He looked at you and then looked away. Waited a couple of minutes and then answers you. "You don't seem rested enough. Did you get get enough sleep?" He asked you.

"Oh....That yeah."

He seemed happier when you said that to him. "So you didn't have enough sleep." He said with a smile on your face.

"Yeah I had no sleep." You smiled.

He looked at you stunned and then started to laugh. You looked at him with a smile. "Well do you want to get some sleep now? You have a while before you have to go anyway. Get some rest." He told you.

Your eyes widened and then you went back to smiling. "Sure thing. See ya." You said to him. He nodded and then headed back.

~~Boys Nobody's POV~~

When Lawrence went back everyone looked at him. "Where's Y/N?" Judy asked Lawrence.

He moved his gaze on to her and then smiled. "She said that she will get some sleep until the shift and then she will be all rested up." Lawrence told them.

They all nodded there heads at him.

She has a nice idea. I'm tiered too ~ Zion

"Guys I'm going to bed as well." Zion told them and then walked out.

"Yeah me to." Eugene said and walked out.

~~Time skip brought to you by zombies.... Back to Nobody's POV and back to you~~

It was now time for you and Harry to do your round. You and Harry walked out side. Zion gave you a weapon to defend yourself just in case. You was walking around and you saw something. When you picked it up you saw that it was a bone. One of a arm bone. It was covered in blood and some parts of flesh on it. You felt sick looking at it. You put your hand over your mouth just to stop yourself from screaming. Harry came running over and took the bone from you. He then hugged you.

"Shh. It's alright your ok." He said to you. You silently cried in Harry's arms.

When he let go you then saw something shiny. You picked it up and saw that it was key. "What is it?" Harry asked you. You showed it to him. "A key!?" He said, you nodded your head and then looked at him.

"It's clear around here. What about over there?" You asked him. He nodded his head at you and smiled.

"Yeah clear over there as well. I think we should tell Lawrence about this." Harry said. Again you nodded your head.

When you got back you open the door and saw Lawrence and everyone else there. "How was your Partroll?" Lawrence asked you.

"All clear. But we did find something." You said to him.

All of them looked at you and then you swear a ? Popped up like they do in anime when the characters are confused. You held in your laughter. Eugene and Ethan saw you was trying not to laugh. "We found this key. Don't know what it's for tho." You said to him.

"Well we will have to discuss it tomorrow. It could be important. But right now we have to sleep." Lawrence told everyone.

You nodded your head and headed back.

And done. Just want to say some things. Zion might not be like himself but he will wind-up some people. So will Eugene but he seems like the person that actually would wind-up some people. Well done.

Bye for now

To be Continued!

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