Chapter 20

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Winter has come. And Lawrence had an idea for keeping warm. Staying in one Classroom, Scarlett kept on complaining about not having any privacy, Hailey was blushing at the sight of the boys, Sue was her usual self and ignored the boys as well as the girls sometimes. Judy was the smiling happy child like always.

Zion and Eugene?
They kept on fighting, verbally, physically or something times both.

Just like Judy, always positive.

Still your leader. And still keeping everyone safe.

Didn't really care because he normally sleeps anyway.

Well you didn't really care as long as you could get to sleep.

It was already December but you don't know the exact date for sure. You saw that everyone was more energetic than normal. Zion and Eugene is fighting now. Hailey is blushing as she was watching the boys fight. Since every now and then there shirts would lift and you could see there chest. Harry was sat down and looking the two with smile since it is only Messing around.

Lawrence was looking out the window and Ethan was still sleeping. You sighed at them all. Scarlett just watched the fight going on. "Damnit. I swear to fuck Zion let go so I can beat you." You heard Eugene say to you.

Zion laughed at him you sighed. Wow! That was so blunt. "Nice try but you started this." Zion said to him. Eugene continued to try and get out of his grip but it didn't work.

You sat next to Harry and then sensed him looking at you. You turned your head to him and he smiled. "I have an idea. Can you meet me later when everyone is asleep?" He whispered/asked you. You looked at him and titled your head. You was confused, but you nodded your head at him anyway.

"What you two whispering about?" Zion asked the both you and Harry.

"Oo~ he's trying to steal your girlfriend Zion~" Eugene teased.

Zions made Eugene go into a head lock and was rubbing his head as well. You giggled at the sighed. You moved your eyes Harry and saw that he has a smile on his face. "Oh are you two going out!?" Judy asked you.

"Zeno~....No~!" You said in a teasing voice.

She laughs a bit since you used to call her Zeno the first time you met Judy she was hungry and the first time you meet Zeno he is hungry. Everyone else titles their heads at a you. "Ha-ha very funny. I haven't got bright blonde hair and here's the big one. I am NOT a boy." She told you. You started to laugh and so did everyone else. You didn't need to get it, to laugh.

You continued to look at everyone and you had enough of Ethan snoring. So you woke him up. It was going to be a meeting in a few minutes anyway. You shocked him and shocked him. Then when you had enough you poured your water over him. He gasped and then got up. "Whoops. Sorry my hand slipped." You Whispered.

You got up and walked to the door to get more water for you. Ethan stood up and then looked at you. "Yeah? Your going to pay." You hear him say. You titled your head at him and he started to walk towards you. You ran and then he ran after you. Leaving a room full of confused people. You ran to the room and closed the door. But with in seconds it opened reveling a slightly annoyed Ethan. He smirked as you slowly backed up.

Zion's POV

What the....

"What just happened?" I asked everyone.

Everyone seemed so confused with what just happened. "I-I don't know." I heard Eugene say back to me.

I try to go back and review what happened but the only thing I saw was Ethan getting up hair soaked and running after Y/N. I don't know what just happened but I want to.

Nobody's POV

As soon as Ethan punished you to the point you can't breathe anymore.....Wait let me rephrase that it sound wrong, as soon as Ethan finished with tickling you to the point you can't breathe anymore you returned to the classroom with a new bottle of water. Everyone was looking at the both of you. Ethan just looked at everyone with with a deadpan.

While you looked at the floor, your face was still red from the amount of laughter you had just done. But you could see that everyone was still was confused.

~~Time Skip~~

Everyone was now asleep and you saw that Harry was putting up a Christmas tree? You then looked at him once he finished and then turned to you. He told you to go outside as quietly as you can.

You did it and then waited for him. Once he came out he smiled at you. "I think we all deserve to have a day where we can relax. It's Christmas Eve today so I need your help with getting everyone presents. You can get the food and drink presents and I'll get the others as well as things I can use as a decoration." He told you.

You smiled at the idea that he just told you, he was right. And you nodded at him. "Sure I'll help you. Come on." You told him. He nodded his head and then. The both of you managed to make it to the classroom where you keep all of the weapons you also grabbed a coat from. There as well. And so did Harry.

Once you found the weapons you went to get bags each as well. You had two and so did he. There where duffle bags so you had one on each shoulder. You then turned to him and saw that he had the same as you. You nodded your head at him and then he did the same.

"Let's go."

First. Yeah I know it's not Christmas yet and that it's far away but still I wanted to do this and before I forget it I decided to do it now.

Second. Hope you enjoyed the chapter guys. And it will continue onto the next one as well.


Bye for now

To be Continued!

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