Chapter 6

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When everyone was back in the room they all waited until Lawrence had spoke up. You all looked at him and then he spoke. "Ok we will have to go on patrols and while we are doing that we can find out where that key will open." He told you.

You smiled at that idea.

That's a good idea.

You then watched everyone else. Scarlett and Jay was hearing at you which was nothing new there. Everyone else was down with the idea. "Ok so who is going with Y/N to the library?" You heard Lawrence say to everyone. They looked around and then Eugene made Zion put his hand up. "What was that for!?" You heard Zion say.

Eugene just chuckled and it looked like he didn't give a shit what was going to happen he just wanted to piss Zion off. "Fine....Whatever. let's go!" Zion told you and walked out.

Zion then lead you to the library and you followed him. You looked down when you both got out side. Zion noticed this and looked at you. "What? Did you want someone else to be with you?" He asked you.
You shock your head and then looked at him.

"Of cause not. But did I do something wrong?" You asked him.

He raised an eyebrow and ignored your question. You sighed and started to walk with him. "no you didn't. Why do you ask?" He asked you with a curious tone of voice.

Again you shocked your head and then carried on walking. You looked at him every now and then and he seemed a little bit calmer but also alert.


It was a quite noise but you still heard it. You stopped where you was going and looked around where you was. Zion noticed that you stopped and he did as well. He turned back to you and raised an eyebrow. "What's wrong?" He asked you. You stopped looking for who made the noise and you turned your head to him.

"Didn't you hear that?" You asked him.

But he just shock his head at you and then turned the other way. "No. Come on let's get this over with." He told you. You nodded your head and carried on walking with him.

When you finally got to the library you sighed and then went to the door. You tried the key but it wouldn't fit. I guess it's not the key for it. You turned to Zion and shocked your head signaling him that the key doesn't fit the keyhole. He sighed and it was a disappointing sigh. Your eyes shot straight at his figure.

"Are you disappointed?" You asked him.

He looked at you and then looked away, it looked like his cheeks are red but a couple of seconds later they went back to normal. He then turned to you and grinned. "Well I was hoping that there would be comics in there. They are the only things I like to read." He told you.

"I don't think comics would be a good idea for a school."

"Why? Comics can be educational equal to normal books."

"Really!? That's your argument." You asked/told him.

"And besides we could have used some of the books to make a fire to keep us warm." He told you.

You giggled at his answer. But the way he looks when he was talking about the comics tells you that he was serious. Zion looked at you with a confused look. "What? It's true. Comics are educational!" He told started to full on laugh at his comment.

You weren't laughing at the comment. You was laughing at the way he looks, he looked so determined.


You jumped a mile since it was so random. Zion was just looking around the area and moved in front of you. He held his crowbar tightly while he was looking around. But he couldn't see anything or anyone. "Hello!?" You heard him say.


You looked behind you but you didn't see anything. You then tugged on Zion's sleeve and he turned to you. "Let's go back." You said to him. He stood up straight and then nodded his head.

"Yeah. We better or they will be worried." Zion told you.

You both headed back and Zion was talking about why comics are good. When you got to the door you was crying of laughter. Zion looked a little pissed off and you laughing when he opened the door and the both of you stepped in. Everyone was looking at you and now you couldn't feel your legs because of you laughing way to much. Zion cought you and looked at you.

"It's not that funny."

"Y-Your face *laughs* was priceless." You told him.

The image of his face when he was talking about the comics and how they were educational and could teach people a lot of things. He looked like he was kid and like he was 10 telling his mam about his favourite heros. It was funny. 

"Shut up. It was not." He said back.

That made you laugh even more. Everyone else was so confused and that made you laugh even more. "So?" You heard Harry asked you and Zion. While still laughing you shocked your head.

When you calmed down you looked at Harry and then sighed. "No. It didn't fit." You told them. They all looked a little sad even Scarlett did. She looked really disappointed in that.

"Oh well. Tonight we will have to try again. Right now Y/N and Zion especially get some rest." You heard Lawrence say to you. You nodded your head and then looked over to the door. Once you go to your classroom you walked in and got ready for bed.

The door opened and you turned to see who it was. It was just Judy. You sighed and then turned away and got your bed ready. While Judy was getting ready you helped make her bed and then the both of you got some rest.

Hey guys. Thank you so much for reading this. And yes I realize that it is similar to the game but I can't help that. Tonight will be you alone with one of the boys. It will be made up. Of cause. And the first boy will be....


It might be short and if it is then sorry.

Bye for now

To be Continued!

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