Chapter 12

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You ran as fast as you could to the classroom you was crying. Eugene almost died because of me. You ran and ran and ran. Then quickly opened the door to the 1-C classroom and ran in. "What's wrong?" You dropped the bags and run to Ethan and hugged him. His eyes widened as everyone else's did as well.

You cried right there in his arms. Ethan looked at you with complete shock. You felt your knees buckle under you and you almost feel to the floor until Harry caught you. You whispered what happened to him and his eyes widened. "Judy, you and Sue check Y/N. Zion come with me." Judy looked and you and so did Sue. Then they nodded there heads.

"Why?" Zion asked Harry with a worried and confused tone.

"I'll tell you on the way let's go!" Harry said while Zion nodded. Just helped you up and took you to the room while the boys went to Eugene's room. You cried while explaining what happened to Sue and Judy. Once you did and you got dressed Harry came in. "Sorry. Y/N Zion wants to see you." You nodded and walked into Eugene's room.

You saw that he was alright and you hugged him. "Your ok." You said in a happy tone. When you let go you stood next to Zion. Then.....


Zion smacked you at the back of the head while hitting Eugene on the head as well. "What was that for?" You asked him. He turned to you and he looked like he was worried and angry and upset. All at the same time.

"I told you to be careful. I told you not to get into danger. But did you listen to me? No you didn't. You could have been killed." Zion shouted at you.

"What? I should have let Eugene die?"

"No. The both of you should never have even gone out that far in the first place. Your both idiots. Next time I will beat you up. Don't make us worry like that again. Understand?"


"Tch. This is bullshit."


"We came back alive didn't we!? You should be happy."

Eugene and Zion started to argue again. You smiled at them. Yeah you knew Zion cares but he has a funny way of showing it. "Is Eugene ok?" Sue asked. Harry looked at her and then nodded his head.

"Y/N?" Zion asked a bit concerned.

Judy nodded, "Oh Y/N I forgot to ask. How's your little Brother?" She asked you. You just shrugged your shoulders. At her.

Yeah your brother wasn't in the house when you left for school, so you forgot about him until she reminded you of him. Ayato you better be ok! (If you already have a brother then use his name. If you don't then you can use this name or a different one I don't really mind. This is just for those who doesn't want to think of a name.)

You and the others went back to the classroom. When you open the door you told everyone what happened and they looked concerned. "Right we have all decided on the patrols for tomorrow night. Zion and Y/N can you do the roof top please?" You nodded your head while Zion groaned a bit.

(Decided on Zion first instead of Harry.)

You looked at him and sighed. In the morning you are with Judy and in the night you are with Zion. In your opinion Zion is cute, caring and funny at times but the rest of the time he needs to chill out and be more friendlier with other people. But that's just your opinion.

Everyone decided to go to bed since some people have two patrols to do one in the morning and one in the night. You layed there on your made up bed and stared at the roof. You couldn't get to sleep again. I think I had insomnia. You got up and walked to the classroom just to look out the window.

As you watched the moon set it's gaze in the sky you didn't notice that the door opened and that someone walked in. You kept on looking outside. The moon is so bright tonight. It makes the city look like it haven't gone to hell. But unfortunately it has. All of a sudden a hand went on your shoulder. It startled you so you flipped the thing and closed your eyes. "Ah!" You heard a painful groan from it. When you opened your eyes it was Harry. Your eyes widened as you helped him off the floor.

"I am so very sorry Harry!" You told him. He looked at you and smiled.

"It's fine. What are you still doing up?" He asked you.

You looked at him and then looked out the window. "It looks so peaceful out there." You was trying to avoid answering that question, and it worked, Harry just nodded and then looked out the window with you.

~~Time Skip brought to you by Zion~~

It was already morning the shining brightly which you know will make the zombies very slow. And your patrol with Judy is starting in 10 minutes luckily you get everything done in 5 minutes which means you get 5 minutes to get there. And since it's only a short distance away it's fine.

You and Judy had to patrol the classroom on the third floor. You two made your way up there but Judy was a little scared. The hallway was looked dark. You clicked the weapon in your hand rightly just in case. You then started to walk. Some of the walls was covered in blood. You carried on walking and just guessed the guys took care of the zombies before settling down.

Your thoughts went back to last night after answering Harry's question.

~~Flash Back~~

"How are your reflexes that good?" He asked you.

You looked at him with a titled head to show that you was confused. "What you off about" you asked him. He looked at you and smiled.

"When I touched your shoulder you instantly flipped me to the ground."

"Oh that. Well I was bullied in school, they would always punch me, kick me take my stuff. So to protect my self from there physical attacks I learned hand-to-hand combat."

"Cool. Who helped you?"

"I taught my self."

"Wah! You did? How?"

"Um....I watched a lot of anime so I copied some of the moves."


He said that to you with a big smiled on his face. But when he looked at you could see something else. Pity? Sadness? Whatever it is he didn't look happy.

~~End of Flash Back~~

Once yours and Judy patrol was done you went back to classroom. You told Lawrence that it was all clear and then went to bed. But you made eye contact with Zion and he looked like confused about something. Anyway you went to bed and sleep. Yes you finally got some sleep.

And done. Wow this was a long one. Well yours and Zion's special night up next. Something's will be the same in the game and in here. Just wanted you to know that. Oh and before your patrol Zion's POV and a little extra before it.

Bye for now

To be Continued!

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