Chapter 4

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Once they left the room you looked at everyone and saw that they were thinking. Scarlett and Jay was smirking at you again. She walked up to you and her smirk dropped to a frown. "No one want you hear might as well save us the trouble and get. Lost." She told you. Your eyes widened as you saw Zion walking up to Scarlett.

"That's enough. Leave her alone. It's not up to you who gets to stay here and who don't. Remember when you beg us to let you stay? You tried everything you could to convince us to let you stay. Why not let her?" He said to her.

Scarlett bit her lip and then turned to you. "But how do we know that is....."

"The effects of being bitten come 24 hours after....It's been 24 hours." You said to her. She narrowed her eyes at you and then turned fully to you. Everyone was now looking at you and waiting for you to continue. "I even have more information about them from when I was finding in a hospital." You told them. As soon as your E/C eyes met with Zion's yellow ones you smiled.

"What else do you know?" You heard Lawrence asked you.

You turned to him and smiled, then you thought. "Well I know that they can't see, they react to the noise that you make. So you have to be quite. And they are a lot slower in sun light. Maybe because they are dead corpses walking around. Bullets can hut them but only if you hit the brain otherwise they are useless." You told them.

All of a sudden Harry and Ethan came running in coughing like hell. Your eyes widened as you saw them almost die. "Oh my god." Judy said. Eugene and Lawrence ran up to the both of them and helped them. You ran out to the hall way and saw a raging fire set alight in one of the classrooms.

Your eyes widened as you turned your head to everyone. I have to do something I can't let them die. You ran out of the classroom and ran towards the fire. When you got the classroom you saw a fire extinguisher and you put out the fire. Once you did you walked out of the classroom and you was about to fall on the floor.

But before you could hit the ground Zion cought you. You looked at him and smiled. "You are so stupid. Why did you do that?" He asked you. But....He was looking like he was mad at you like normal. And he weren't shouting.

"I couldn't let anyone die. I had to do something." You told him. He sighed and then walked you back. When you got back Zion was about to tell you something and he looked like he was about to shout but....

"HOW COULD YOU BE SO STUPID? YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO ACTUALLY PUT YOURSELF IN DANGER." Harry shouted at you. His usual smile wasn't on his face. He was pissed off.

"I couldn't let anyone get hurt." You told him. He was about to say something but then closed his mouth.

But then he opened it again and hung his head down. "Promise you won't put yourself in danger again." He told you. You smiled at him and from the corner of your eye you could see Zion smiling as well.


"Oh and the voting thing is stupid. She's staying." You heard Zion say. Which made you so happy.

"Oh look who's in love~" you heard Eugene say.

You saw a 💢 appear on Zion's head (forgot what they are called.) "The guys almost died and I still want to know the votes." You told him. He looked at you and rolled his eyes at you. "Whatever." You heard him say.

"Hands up who want her to stay!" You heard Lawrence say.

Stay- Lawrence, Harry, Eugene, Zion, Ethan, Judy, Hailey and Sue.

Leave- Jay and Scarlett.

You were happy. The most votes were for you to stay. That made you so happy. "Thank you." You said to all of them. Judy came up to you and hugged you. She then took you back to your room.

~The boys Nobody's POV~

"Hehe....You like Y/N~" Zion heard Eugene teasing him.

"Oh I get it. You want to die." Zion said to him. Eugene then ran away while evading Zion's attacks.

The other watched except from Scarlett and Jay everyone was laughing. Yeah it was a serious time but you all are still teens and you deserve to live your life. Having a laugh sometimes is good. "Enough guys. I think we all deserve some rest." Lawrence told them all. They all looked at him and then settled down. They each went to there classroom that they were using for a bedroom and layed down.

~back to you~

You couldn't get to sleep so you decided to take a walk back to the classroom. Along the way you brought some hot chocolate. When you reached the classroom you opened the door and saw Ethan. You smiled at him as he turned around and looked at you.

"Couldn't sleep either huh!?" You asked him.

He shocked his head at you and then looked out the window. "Want some hot chocolate?" You asked him. He turned to you and raised an eyebrow.

"How did you heat it. There is no electricity or heating here." He said to you. You titled your head and then looked at him. Since you had your bag on you, you pulled out what looked like a metal stand.

You put it on the floor and then brought out some matches. "I used this. See you put this on top. (The chocolate.) Then you light a fire at the bottom. Ethan eyes widened and you looked at him with a smile. "The only thing is we have a limit because of the matches." You said to him. He looked at you and then blew out the thing. You gave Ethan your hot chocolate and he drunk some of it.

You put the metal stand on the table and wrote a note.

I found this ages ago....I didn't know you didn't have one. So I put this here as well as the matches. I have not got any more matches than this. So once these go it's done. I have checked the amount and there are 8 matches. I have even showed Ethan how much there is in it.


You left them there but took the matches over to Ethan. "8 matches right?" You asked him. He nodded his head at you while you smiled at him. "Good your my witness that there is 8 matches." You said to him.

Again he nodded his head.

The end of this chapter. Phew a long one this time.

Bye for now

To be Continued!

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