Chapter 1

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I awoke, screaming, as i do most nights, but peeta is here, he's always here. I need him to be, especially today. We are going back to the Capitol today

  Although it's been 5 years since the rebellion, i still can't bare the thought of going back.  That's where i lost myself, where i lost Peeta, and i never want to go back for fear of it happening again

  I'd only just began to figure out a normal life with 2 children, when Peeta and I were called back to the capitol by the new president - President Paylor - on the account of an outside attacker trying to force its way in, but why does she need me? I was the face of the rebellion many years ago, what could i possibly have to offer? 

"Its ok" Peeta whispers, one glance at his pale face and i can tell, he was thinking about the same thing. I lost myself those many years ago, but i wasn't the only one.

Even after we got married, Peeta turned occasionally, he would hold something so tightly it would nearly break, it scared our cook, Greasy Sae, half to death, but it hasn't happened to him in over 3 years

He had his last "episode" a week after our first son, Bare, was born and he hasn't had one since. That being said, we haven't been back to the capitol since either

 We used to go back often right after the rebellion, President Paylor continually needed me to be a symbol of hope for those who lost their families. Also, my mother lives in the capitol, she became a head Dr. as soon as Paylor came into command, we haven't seen her in 2 years, she hasn't even met our new son, Oakley, yet. We are bringing Bare and Oakley back with us for that reason.

    After i got up, i walked to the hallway, and in an instant there is a harsh pound on the front door, Its effie
"Big big big day ahead of us!" she yells, i can't help but smile because Effie is one of the only people in the capitol that i still like. I run to the door and pull it open
"Katniss!" she exclaims excitedly, although i try, i can't help but hug her
"Effie, it's good to see you"
"You too darling, but we must hurry up! We have a schedule to keep after all!!" i chuckle slightly, it's always about the schedule with her. Then Peeta walked into the room, followed by a gasp from Effie
"Peeta your hair!" she said in concern
"Well it's... long, don't you guys have stylists out here?"
"It's not THAT long" he said, slightly surprised
"Well it's not that short either, BUT don't worry, Flavius, Venia and Octavia will fix you two up when we get there" Flavius, Venia and Octavia? It's been forever!  I don't know what i thought had happened to them.

    We woke up the boys, followed effie back to the train, and headed for the capitol.

This chapter is really short, but the story will start picking up soon!

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