Chapter 24

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I nearly burst as i wait for Gale to tell me

"We found Peeta!" he beams, i jump out of my chair

"Where is he? Is he okay? When are you going to get him? Who took him?" Gale chuckles

But before he can answer, a cleaning lady, with a small metal name tag that read "Petra" walks over

"I don't know stop asking me all these questions!" she says, then laughs to herself as she walks away

Apparently people don't understand something as simple as a private conversation

Gale gives her a weird look then turns back to me

"Paylor has put me in charge, we are organizing a raid. A hundred of our best soldiers are attacking tonight. We plan to take over the enemy base, rescue Peeta and hold their leader in captivity"

"Gale, could you do me a favor?"

"Of course katnip, anything"

"I want..." i stop to think if this is what i really want

I know i want whoever is responsible for hurting Peeta, to suffer. But i don't know how to go about it. Do i want to torture him? Do i want to put an arrow through him and kill him instantly?

 After a few seconds of pause, i can see Gale get a questioning look

"I want you to do to him everything that they did to Peeta. Every technique every minute Peeta was forced to be in there, i want you to bring him to the edge of death over and over, always pulling him back to life for more" i say

What did i just say? I can't believe i just said that. It sounded so violent and evil

Gales eyes widen, and he jumps a little in shock. But he shakes his head clear of thoughts and clears his throat

"We'll give him what he deserves katnip, i promise" then he stands up straight and leaves the room

I'm so excited that we will get Peeta back! And i can't wait to tell Bare! I look at my watch, '1:15' he should be done with lunch by now, i'm going to tell him


I shove the metal door open and walk quickly down the hall, then i see it. A crowd of nurses and doctors rushing into his room

'Bare!" i yell, running over

Suddenly I feel a cold hand on my arm, I turn quickly to find my mother standing there

"what happened?" i sob

"Shh... its ok Katniss, they found him in time and he's going to be okay i promise" she says, leading me to the waiting area

She soothingly rubs my back as i try hard to stop crying

"Mom, i had news, fantastic news for him"

"Well you can tell him in about an hour, could i hear the news?" she asks patiently

"Yeah" i say, wiping my face with my hand

I look up into her eyes and a smile forces its way to my lips

"They found Peeta" moms eyes light up and she hugs me tighter

"I told you everything would be okay" i nod


I jolt awake when i hear my name called

"Katniss Everdeen" the doctor says. I stand up and straighten myself

"Mellark" i say with slight annoyance, i've been Katniss Mellark for 10 years yet the people in the capitol can't seem to remember, and they forget to change it no matter how many "updated patient info" forms i hand into them

"My apologies Miss Mellark" he says, walking towards me

"What happened doctor?"

"Well, one of our nurses came into his room to check on him, and found that his oxygen wasn't plugged in, his face was bright purple and his eyes were closing slowly" i shove my face into my hands and began to cry, my mother hugs me and continues to talk with the doctor

"Is he okay?"

"Yes. fortunately his oxygen had only been unplugged for a couple minutes and we were able to restart his heart"

"Do you have any idea how this could have happened?"

"Well there was a man, military uniform, tall with dark brown hair, seen walking down the halls out of Bare's room, we believe it was him" i look up suddenly, my face blotchy with tears

"Did he have grey eyes?"

"Yes, i think so. The nurse who found Bare, ran into the man in the hallway"

I run through the halls as fast as i can. Once again my feet barely touching the ground, but this time i don't feel free. I feel bound by whatever bad luck i have. I can't ever catch a break

I get to a tall cedar door with eccentric designs carved into and grabbed the handle

I burst through and ran over to Gale, sobbing the whole way

Gale's eyes darken and he opens his arms

"What's wrong katnip?" he asks worriedly. I smack his arm

"Why did you try to kill Bare?!!"

hehehehe, what if I told you this was the end of book 1?

well if i told you that, id be lying lol

i hope you enjoyed this chapter! sorry it took me so long to update!

also, did you notice a cameo?

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