Chapter 22

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I wake up to bright lights shining above me. I groggily sit up and look around. My head is pounding and my left side hurts so bad that i can barely breath

I cringe as oxygen demands to flow in and out of my lungs

Theres is a plastic surgical tube running up my arm, morphine being pumped into my bloodstream

There is no sign of anyone coming in, so I lay my head back down on the firm pillow and stare at the ceiling

As i lie there, i remember a specific day back in 12. The day i told Peeta i was pregnant for the first time, his reaction was priceless

At first he didn't believe me, he actually thought i was tricking him. I chuckle at the thought

When i finally convinced him it was true, he was so happy that his eyes welled with tears

He was always convinced that Bare was a girl, up until the day he was born. He tried so hard to convince me of it too, but knew it was boy, i could feel it somehow

I also remember the last time Peeta was taken over by his hijackings. I was 8 months pregnant, and we were sitting at home, when all of a sudden Peeta stood up and looked at me. His eyes were so dark and i was so afraid

He grabbed my wrists and pushed me against the sliding glass door

"Mutt!" he yelled, it was so sharp and abrupt that i started to scream

Usually i noticed much sooner that he was acting different, then i had enough time to leave. But this time i wasn't thinking clearly

I must have shrieked really loud, because about 60 seconds later, the front door burst open and Haymitch ran in. he grabbed Peeta from behind, pulled him to the ground, and smashed a lamp over his head, knocking him out cold

I know it was wrong, but i began to laugh. There he was, my husband lying unconscious on the floor, a lamp smashed next to him and Haymitch's hands bloody from the glass lamp pieces

"What are you laughing at sweetheart?" he had said with a grin.

After Bare was born, Peeta never..... Bare!

I jump out of bed and run for the door, bad idea. As soon as i'm upright, my head starts to spin and my ribs throb with pain

I hear footsteps outside my door. I bet you can guess who it was

"Katniss?" Gale asks, i moan

"What are you doing?!" he helps me back into bed

"Bare, wheres Bare?!" i yell, Gale puts his hand over my mouth

"Shhh, its ok Katnip, we have him:"

"Is he okay?"

"We can talk about it later, are you okay?"

"Yeah yeah i'm fine, what happened?"

"Well, Bare was roped to a chair, in a room in the back of the main hall. When we got in there we saw explosives tethered to the chair. As soon as he stands up, the bombs would go off. Haymitch tried so hard to get you back safely to the aircraft, but eventually we had to undo the ropes or the bomb would go off from the timer":

"I left the room because we lost contact with Haymitch, while i was gone Bare accidentally triggered the bomb and that's when everyone went flying" my head spins as i listen to Gale tell the story, how could this happen?

It seems that ever since we got back to the capitol, my life has been crumbling bit by bit, everything that could go wrong, has. Everyone i love has been injured in some way, then it dawned on me

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