Chapter 13

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I wake up, shackled to the side of a barred prison like room, maybe room is too generous of a word, it's a box, a small 4x4 room with little bars facing outwards

When I first got there, I found a dart looking thing sticking out of my shoulder.... his gun was a dart gun, he must have knocked me out with the chemical inside. I pull the dart out and hide it up my sleeve, hoping to use it later

I sat in that cell for 2 days, screaming until I lost my voice

"Where is my son!" But they never answered, occasionally if my shriek was followed by blood falling out of my mouth, they would give me a plastic cup of water

But I didn't want it, I want my son, I want Bare

Finally after two days of me hanging on the bars shrieking, two armed men opened the door and grabbed both of my arms

I would fight if I wasn't so weak, but they haven't fed me anything since we were brought here, I can only pray that they have given something to Bare

They brought me down among corridor into a wider cell, about the size of an actually jail cell, and undid my cuffs

I stay in there for what seemed an eternity before they dragged in a small, sickly boy and pushed him into the cell, locking it behind them

I reached out and pulled him into my lap, he is unconscious. I'm not sure if he lost consciousness recently or if he never even woke up, but he will wake up, he will

I stroke his light blonde curls, suddenly he moves in my lap, rubs his eyes and looks up

"Daddy?" He says with a croak

"I'm here baby boy" I say, my heart aches, I don't want to be here but even more, I long for him to go home to Katniss

"I'm not a baby" he says with a furrowed brow, I smile

"I know" I say


I'm startled awake by the giant metal door creaking open. I open my eyes and sit up, careful not to wake Bare

"What's going on?!" I say, as they approach me with some long stick. as they get closer, I see a spark on the end of it.... it's some sort of taser

As soon as I realize what it is, I spring backward, I won't let him torcher my son

But I as I step backwards, I have some sort of flashback, to me being tortured at the capitol. It's so real, I can almost feel the pain in my side after I was whipped nearly to death

As I'm standing there, I can feel myself losing control of my limbs. My hands clenched into fists, and my mind starts to wander. No! This can't happen! It hasn't in 4 years, why today. Why right now?

I stumble back slightly. My eyes must have gone dark because the man with the taser, stepped out of the cell and locked it

I feel anger, than rage, then nothing as i lose control of my emotion. I look back at Bare, he's still sleeping. I won't hurt my son, I refuse!

My eyes cloud even more, I can barely see straight. My breathing gets heavier, I can feel my reality warping

I bury my head in my arms and stumble around the cell, my muscles tensing. I pound my head on my hand harder and harder

If Katniss was here, everything would be okay. I almost forgot what it felt like to be controlled by the hijacking. Katniss was always able to calm me down in minutes, looking into her eyes was like an anchor

"This is real" i say over and over

"My name is Peeta Mellark, i'm from district 12, i survived 2 hunger games, i was a prisoner at the capitol, i love Katniss everdeen - Mellark, Everdeen, Mellark, Everdeen - we have 2 kids" i try to remind myself what's real but the line between reality and whatever else is inside me, blurs

I start thrashing around angrily. I must have woken Bare up with the racket because he stands up, and walks over to me

"Daddy is ok?" It takes everything to not approach him, I turn to him

His eyes are crystal blue like mine, but he has the same look Katniss gets when she's worried about me. Looking at him, my muscles relax slightly, and my breathing evens out

Bare looks over at me, terrified

"Daddy!" He yells, crying. He must have watched my eyes Change from cloudy to their usually bright blueness

I run over and embrace him, I don't let go, I can't

"Ow daddy" he says, trying to wiggle away, k guess I was hugging him harder that I thought

Just as I finally start settling down, the cell door opens, I was about to jump up, forcing my way through, but he pulled out his taser thing, so I backed away slowly

Just as I thought he might leave, I feel something cold and hard on the back of my head. I also hear Bare shriek

"Daddy!" Everything is blurry, my vision, my thoughts, but I know what I'm seeing is real, it can't be, but it is. Tears start to slip down my face as I lose consciousness, I'm sure what I saw is real, and all I can do now is watch them pull my son through a dark door, and listen as he screams my name.  

hope you guys enjoyed this one!! thanks so much for all the support my story has gotten so far, it really means a lot!! 

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