Chapter 27

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I sit here, waiting for another lashing

It's about that time of day when a young man with ginger hair shaved down to a military cut, comes

In to whip me

Just as i think maybe he has forgotten, the door flings open and someone runs in

I don't even bother to look up, the last thing i want is to look helpless, so i continue to stare blankly at the old brick floor

Then i feel him pulling at my wrists, what is he doing?

O feel the metal around my wrist open, and my arm is flung over someone's shoulder, i decide to look up

"Gale?" I croak, he smiles at me

"Yeah, i'm going to get you out of here Peeta, you have no idea how much Katniss has missed you" he says, clearly choking back tears

This is it, my rescue. I've waited over a month and finally someone has come to save me. My eyes start to droop, i haven't slept in so long that i've forgotten what it feels like

"Its ok Peeta, you can rest now" Gale says, layning me on a stretcher

I've been rescued, i'm being taken back to a safe place, i don't need to try and show strength, i don't need to watch my back. Finally i let me eyes close and drift away to thoughts of my family


I wake up to a pounding headache. I'm laying on a cement floor in a small building, surrounded by other soldiers

I look around and see Gale walking towards me

"Hey Peeta" he smiles


"Katniss is on her way"

"what about Oakley and Bare?"

"Neither of them are able to leave the hospital, so Katniss is coming here and we will bring you both back to the capitol" i smile

Then a nurse comes over, she has dark features and a serious look in her face

"Colonel Hawthorne, i was told to tell you what is happening with Mr. Mellark" he nods as she looks at her clipboard

"He's extremely malnourished" she says concernedly, i just chuckle

"Yeah, cause i've never dealt with that before" Gale begins to laugh too

"Yeah we lived in 12, malnourishment was just another tuesday"

We both begin to laugh louder as the nurse scowls at us

"Well anyway, we will be putting you on a strict food schedule to get your weight back up" she says annoyed, i groan at her

"But i want to maintain my figure i say" Gale and i bust out laughing again, the nurse rolls her eyes, bites her tongue and walks away sharply

Gale and i are sitting there laughing when i spot something across the room, Gale does too and leaves quietly

There she is, my shining star, my everything

Our eyes lock and she rushes over

A few medics are standing around me taking blood samples

"Katniss!" i yell, pushing them away

She gets on her knees and holds onto me like it's the last time i'll ever see her, tears of joy run furiously down my face

I pull back and see her eyes are also glisten with tears

"I.... I thought you.... They told me you died" i say

"Peeta.... I'm ok, Bare is too" she says, pressing her forehead to mine

"I promised to stay with you didnt I?" she asks, i smile as a sigh of relief escapes me


alright guys, that was the last chapter!! i really hope you enjoyed this story!

I AM making a sequel, its going to be about their lives in 12, with a few fun twists and a few sad ones! I hope you head over and read it! 

thanks again for all the love that this book and I have received I so appreciate it!!!

also if youre looking for a good fanfic about katniss being pregnant during the war, go check out my friend joshiferislyfee 's story! 

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