Chapter 17

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"No! It's not true!" i yell, running away, but Gale grabs my arm. I smack him right across the face, he doesn't let go but he does look stunned

My knees get weak, i sink to the floor, my mind is spinning i lose balance little bit
"No Katniss! You have to keep it together" who does Gale think he is?! My everything just died, my life, the stay with me to my always

I stand up, and look at him, my eyes darken, and my fist close, Gale backs up a bit
"Katniss, please don't do anything you'll regret" he says nervously

As i'm inching my way to him, i spot a smile knife on the table. I pounce on it

As soon as it touches my hand i run at Gale, he has look of terror in his eyes

All of a sudden, i'm hit to the ground and the knife flies across the room
"Haymitch what are you doing?!" i yell, getting off the floor
"Shhh" he says, i feel a small pinch in the back of my neck

The world goes dark as my eyes close and i fall backwards into Haymitch's arms


I wake up in a musty hospital room, my arms strapped down. I look over at the door, the handle jiggles slightly and Gale steps in
He paranoidly closes it behind him with no sound and walks over

Then i remember what i did
"Gale i..." i just start to cry
"It ok Katnip, i know what grief does to a person" he says with a gulp and a close of his eyes to regain composure. I'm a little offended by this because the only person in his life he's ever lost was his dad. But we both got over that years ago and has always been able to talk about it just fine

"Not like me" i say, my eyes welling with tears
"You lost your dad. I lost my dad, Finnick, Rue, Cinna, Prim and now Peeta" i say my voice rising

With this Gales tears run down his cheeks slowly
"True, except you're forgetting one thing" so now he's going to remind me of other people i've lost?

"I lost prim too" is all he said, he couldn't keep himself together after that
"What? You killed her!" i say, my voice raising, i see a horrified look on his face, and realize what i've done

I had forgotten how much prim had meant to him. When i was off at the games he cared for her, comforted her. Even at 13 they had a relationship i couldn't even notice through my self loathe about Peeta.

And now im destroying one if the last relationships i have
"Gale, im sorry" he shakes his head
"Its ok, it's true" he wipes his eyes, takes a deep breath and retreats to a cold emotionlessness, what I saw when Peeta and i stumbled upon the weapons room a few days ago.

"Look katniss, i seem to be the only when left in this place that cares about your emotional stability as much as rescuing your son" i turn my head in confusion, they are going to save Bare?
"They wanted to make a small squad, and leave you here, they don't want your head to get clouded, and for you to mess up the mission, i'm the only one whos fighting for you to come with" i'm a little shocked by this, does Gale actually care about me? He's done nothing but prove it since i've been back

"But i want to go!" i yell
"Shhh!" he says urgently
"I'm going to undo these straps and i want you to go your room, get ready, there's a uniform in there, and i'll come by in a half hour and get you. We leave in 45 minutes, i'll sneak you on" he says, in a whisper

I nod as he undoes my straps and helps me up, i get a little light headed and need to sit back down

"Katniss if you aren't ok, you shouldn't come with us" i shoot him a look
"never mind" he says quietly
"I'll be at my room" i say closing the door


As i'm getting ready, there's a knock at my door, i run over and open it
"Quick Katniss!" he says urgently, my eyes widen and i run after him
"What's... wrong... Gale?" i ask between breaths

"Paylor moved the time up 15 minutes so that you couldn't sneak on board, she noticed your room was empty" he said as we jogged around the corner
"Wait won't the squad notice i'm there?"
"I've already informed them, and threatened them to keep their mouths shut" he says

We jog into the loading area, he ducks me behind a crate and waves down a squad member
"This is sergeant York" he says
"He'll bring you to the aircraft, i'm going to talk to the president" i nod as Gale runs in the other direction

York leads me through a maze of crates until we are right behind the plane

Paylor walks past talking to Gale, i  see another squad member look at her and smile, then he rushes over to us
"Admiral Gustan" he says, offering a hand
"Keep your head down and Paylor will think its Gustan walking back into the craft" York says dismissively

"Wait, how will you get on?"
"I'll get on at the last minute, if you were to do that, they would definitely check you, and make you go back" Gustan says, i nod and follow York, keeping my head down

It works, we walk right past Paylor, into the craft, and Gale comes close behind

"Ok katniss, this is our squad; Sergeant York, Soldier Odell, Soldier Charles, Admiral Gustan is coming and Soldier Abernathy"
"Hey Sweetheart" i run over and hug him
"I don't believe the boy is gone, and i'm going to find him" he says with a stubborn tone
"Thank you" i say quietly

"Charles, make sure Gustan gets here"
"Yes colonel Hawthorne" he says
Gustan jumps on quickly as the doors shut, and we take off. I look at Haymitch, he smiles at me hopefully

I don't need hope, i never did, i just need Peeta to be alive

So guys this is a slight breath of fresh air, not rly a cliffhanger (ur welcome) I decided not to cause I think I was ruining Petra's emotions 😉

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