Chapter 5

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The 6th Pillar. An otome game that had been becoming increasingly popular before I had died. And I have been reincarnated into this bizarre plot that will guarantee my death. Well, I'll just sum up the plot for you.

You, the heroine, were almost assassinated at age 13 and you swear to find the culprit, as the incident made you lose the ability to use magic. You don't get down, and by the age of 15 you are one of the most highly respected people in magic deciphering and research. However you still can't let go of the assassination from three years ago and put your best foot forward to find whoever it is. And this all happens while you pick up hot dudes™, and get picked on by Miss Villainess™ and her lackeys.

I, personally really liked the game! It was a mix of puzzles and otome. I did try really hard to get all the endings, good and bad. Plus, most of the people in the fandom were as crazy as me and bought all the DLC's, merch, and everything. Well everything right now is pretty damn great... If I weren't Miss Villainess™!

Even though I call the og Mireille D'Argent Miss Villainess™, she was actually quite a well written character. She was ahead of her time, and acted pretty much like a sarcastic 21st century girl. However... Her sarcasm and bitch face got her into quite a lot of trouble. Which is bad. Very bad for me. Besides!! The great majority of the bullying was done by her followers as they thought the magic-less cripple was overstepping her boundaries. Not once did Mireille order them to do anything.

She basically wanted to redeem her parents honor since they were stripped of their noble titles, and shamed by everyone far and wide. Which was also apart of Claude D'Argent's schemes to become the Archduke of Argent. She used the title of future princess of the "Crown" family to investigate, and expose Claude D'Argent and help her brother, Alfred, ascend to a stable position in high society. She was seen as a power lady in high society, and so, pesky flies stuck to her to take advantage of her power. In other words... When other people were bullying the heroine, who appears to be helpless and coy, they stuck the blame on Mireille D'Argent!

Although her death helped advance the plot, she was actually found innocent, when the Royal Palace had finally conducted a proper investigation for all her "crimes!" But!! The original Mireille had died long before the investigation started.

In other words, I'm fucking dead. Bro, I'm not gonna live past 17. My train of thoughts is still running in circles around my head, when I'm brought back to reality by Iris D'Argent.

"Mireille, keep your back straight and your shoulders rolled back. Foot forward, step lightly." She commands sternly.

I do as I'm told, but I still question why I have to practice walking. Who just goes up to a person and says you don't walk nicely, walk better. Nobles in high society.

I'm still thinking about all the idiotic scenarios I'll have to face as the villainess when I remember a certain DLC I happen to find tragically expensive and enjoyable...


In Mireille D'Argent's side story, it was the same story but told from Mireille D'Argent's point of viw. At the age of four when Mireille first moved the Argent Estate Claude D'Argent revealed it to her. Since she didn't believe him she asked for a blood test, only then could she believe that she was his child. Later, through Mireille's investigations, it was revealed that Mireille D'Argent was the illegitimate child between Cordelia D'Argent and Claude D'Argent because he raped her...

I am the child of Claude D'Argent.

Nonono- Blood test comes first. I mean maybe it's different from in game? I'll ask Claude D'Argent for a blood test, and I'll make sure it isn't rigged. Maybe the blood test was something Claude D'Argent used to control Mireille. Boy, I wish I had 21st century DNA tests right about now.

After what seems like forever, it's finally lunch time. I spot Al at the table and sit next to him, he look's worn out and tired as if he just had all his energy drained out of him.

"Al, are you alright?" I watched as he only nodded in response. Soon enough Emil D'Argent walked into the dining hall and sat across from us. And Al's face immediately twists into disgust.

"MIireille, I hope mother wasn't too harsh on you this morning." He smiled brightly.

"No, Aunt Iris taught me a lot today. We'll probably continue after lunch."

Emil then turned to Alfred and smiled, "Why don't we have sword practice together? It'll lessen the burden on our sword instructor as well?"

Ahh, I see. Al was being taught swordsmanship. No wonder he looked so exhausted. I look back at Emil once more, then back to Alfred. Judging by how he looks thoroughly disgusted by the thought of being trained beside Emil, he clearly isn't fond of him.

As Al dismisses Emil's previous proposal, I finish my lunch and leave to explore the large estate. After walking past dozens of unused rooms, I stumble upon the library. I walk in looking through all the archives and everything. I ended up finding dozens of shelves with books on magic, grimoires, and other magic artifacts.

I grab some books and begin to make my way out of the library, when I see the Argent twins.

Those two take over the role of Villainess in Emil's route, as Mireille D'Argent wasn't exactly fond of Emil. However when they were finally caught they used hypnosis magic to shift the blame to Mireille as they pretty much hated her guts, she was executed as she was defaming the child of Archduke Argent.

Again, Mireille's death helped advance the plot and show Emil's affection towards the heroine, because he personally arrested his sisters, and later executed them, after he found out the truth.

But I'll still fucking die. And that's not good, not even in the slightest.

Anyways, getting back to the present... The twins stopped me at the doorway of the library.

"Hey peasant." The first calls. But I simply ignore them and walk past, but the second one grabs my arm and pulls me back. The books fall onto the floor into a large pile.

"Listen when we speak."

And without missing a beat my dumb brain just goes, "Oh sorry, I just thought you were talking among yourselves. After all you are peasants."

And I leave it at that at walk away swiftly. I ask a maid to collect all the books and bring them to my room.

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