Chapter 6

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I walk straight to my room, leaving the two girls and walk off to read the books in my room, after asking a maid to collect them.

I stared at the numerous books on my table. I could only stare as I thought about the Archduke. I collapsed onto my bed and tried to sleep. I could feel the tears running  down my face.

And I know. I am not my father's child. The fact disgusted me. I let my body drift into sleep to forget the disaster I was born as.

As soon as I wake up I read some of the books. Only one or two.

From the books I read I can pretty easily tell that that there are three main types of magic.

1. Wizardry: It's basically where you can eject mana, but you can't convert it into a spell so you need another medium to change it. Common mediums are chants, magic circles, and wands.

2. Magus Craft: Or contracting with spirits, basically you can't eject mana or change it into spells so you give your mana to a spirit to cast spells for you.

3. Innate Magic: Basically you can eject mana and change it into spells. Innate magic really depends on your elemental affinity. Which means your body can only convert mana into spells of a certain element. It's also the type of magic that all spirits possess.

Then it gets even more complicated, there are common spells and arcane spells. Common spells are... well, common. Any innate magic user could cast these spells as long as they possess the corresponding elemental affinity.

Arcane magic on the other hand is a magic unique to a certain group, family, or individual. In other words arcane magic is extremely unique and difficult to replicate, so the magic is seldom known to outsiders.

I, for one, am a innate magic user. And as far as I know, I have an affinity with fire and wind magic, and of course my parents have taught me quite a bit of non-elemental magic as well. Non-elemental magic is basically manipulating mana in a way that it takes physical form, like creating a barrier.

Anyways, I lock the door with magic and open my dimensional pocket with the things my parents left me. Within all the old yellowed pages that my father had left to me and Alfred, I vaguely remember that there were some magic scripts. After rummaging through the papers I find a single page with old writing and summoning circles sprawled out across it.

I follow the instructions and channel my mana through the magic circle on the paper and a book appeared. It sort of hovered above my head before diving down and whacking me, then it kind a stopped and lay there motionless on the floor.

"What the fuck!" I whispered under my breath as I rubbed my head. I pick it up turn it over. It sort of flutter it's pages a bit, as if trying to open. Magic, sentient, and moves of its own accord. "You're a grimoire aren't you..."

It open and shut once as if to say "yes." I stared at the sleek black leather cover of the grimoire, it was bound silver chains, and the lock at the center of its cover was engraved with a bright green gem.

"Will you contract with my brother? He's the true-born blood between fa- Cedric D'Argent and Cordelia D'Argent." The grimoire didn't answer, was it throwing a tantrum? I tapped on its cover, "Hey, answer me if your alive." It snapped angrily at me, as if to say, "Books don't die dumbass."

"I'll summon you back when I call my brother into my room." And just like that it vanished into thin air.

I unlocked my door, and ventured out into the mansion once more. I peak out the window wear Al seems to be regrettably practicing his sword with Emil and an instructor. Emil seems to be having a hard time up against Alfred. Well, I supposed it can't be helped! However lazy he is, he was trained and drilled by the "Silver Demon" everyday from the earliest days of his life!

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