Chapter 29

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As soon as the two guards reveal themselves down-dressed as adventurers Mireille smiled, it was quite rare that she saw her guards like this. "My, aren't you two under dressed for once?"

Reuben and Grey laughed and their cheeks flushed a slight pink. Their Lady was a fan of more comfortable clothing so it always appeared as if they were over dressed when compared to their master. Now it would seem that the two were just mere adventurers in comparison to her. They were glad that she had a sense of propriety and dressed up a little more now that she was outside of the Argent Estate.

The two knights then turned to Kian la Reial and saluted to him. "Young Lord Kian." 

You see, referring to a member of the five pillars was quite confusing as it depended completely on the setting. In the Royal Court at the palace the head of the Reial family would be referred to as "His Majesty." In a military setting the one who would be referred in this fashion would be the head of the Clarkin family. At "The Tower" it would be the Belmont family, after receiving an oracle from the heavens it would be the Fylan family, and when Claude D'Argent left the kingdom or negotiated with envoys from other countries it would be he who if referred to as such. The title was interchangeable depending on the setting.

"Reuben, Grey. Capture the Hell Hound and return it to it's pack."

"My Lady, surely you jest..." Reuben laughed. To which Mireille simply smiled and stared back at Reuben who eyes were wide with disbelief. Though the request was a bit strange, it wouldn't be difficult for the Argent Knights to complete. 

Mirelle had made a name for herself among those serving the Argent family. Her orders were strange for a Lady of her status, they were always simple and odd. But every time Mireille gave out an order she would be completely serious about the task being properly carried out. Well, the majority of the servants still preferred to serve her rather than Vanessa and Vivienne, the twins, who were notorious for firing people on a whim or for the fun of it.

Grey shrugged as this was a normal occurrence for him ever since Mireille had come to the Argent Estate and pulled Reuben along to capture the pup.

"What's this about a Hell Hound?" Kian asked hesitantly.


"Man! Mireille are you sure you aren't some sort of princess?" Cassandra, who was silent this whole time finally spoke up.

"No, of course not."

"Well, she is apart of the five pillar families who are considered royalty in Lysithea." Elaine nudged her.

Mireille took a step forward and walked past Kian la Reial and bid him farewell. "I'm afraid we must be going."

When Mireille was out of sight, Kian smacked his forehead. "I forgot to apologize."

They girls spent the rest of the day doing this and that and soon they returned to the academy. All was normal until the next morning when Mireille woke up to the sound of Alice, one of her dorm mates screaming. "HELL HOUND?!"

Hell Hound? Mireille sat up in a daze still half asleep. Hell Hound?! She jumped out of bed and peeked around her bedroom door, and all she could see was the little pup darting around the dorm as if it had a big dose of adrenaline in it's blood. "Fuck." 

She had thought that it wouldn't come back if she had her guards returned it to its pack. But no. It somehow found its way to the academy. The dog then picked up Mireille's scent and darted towards her door, and Mireille promptly slammed it shut.

"Fucking hell."

"Donovan! Catch it for the sake of Vita!"

"I'm tryin'! It's just real fast."

"Goddammit, it's getting everywhere!"

Then the room got quiet, and there was a knock on Mireille door. Of course, without any magic she couldn't sense who was behind and hesitated to open it. Was it the Hell Hound? Was it Donovan? Is everyone in the room dead? No. The Hell Hound was just a pup and there were definitely no deathly screams before the silence.

"Mireille! We finally caught the darn dog!"

She poked her nose around the door and saw Donovan holding the pup by the back of its neck. The others were collapsed onto the floor.

"We're gonna give this thing to the headmaster."

Mireille thought that crazy old elf would be able to get rid of the dog but he actually told Mireille to keep it!

"Well, it seems attached to you. Why don't you raise it?"

"Shitty old bastard, are you sure you haven't gone senile?" Alice ground her teeth. If the royal brat kept the Hell Hound, wouldn't everyone at the dorm have to deal with it as well? Plus, who in there right mind would let a kid Mireille's age keep something that could easily kill up to ten citizens on it's own.

"I'm afraid you'll be long dead by the time I go senile." He shook his head. "Us elves live much longer than you humans do after all."

Alice pressed her hand onto the Headmaster's desk and leaned towards him, "Why don't you take care of the shitty dog then? Since you're so insistent on keeping it?" 

"Ahaha. No way."

With that, Mireille stood in her dorm. Looking down at the little horned puppy and sigh. It WAS cute. Cute but will probably cut you.  Er, bite. Bite you.

"Sit." Mireille patted the floor, as she tried to get the Hell Hound to do as she said. But he tiny dog simply opened its mouth so its tongue would hang from it.

Mireille tried to calm herself and told herself that it was still young and that she could probably get the pup to imprint on her. Right? 


The little fucker simply loved wrecking havoc in Mireille's room. Now, normally this would be fine with Mireille. BUT. She had no magic. There was no "broken vase? I'll just fix that up with a wave of my hand" anymore. 

"Hey stop! Stop breaking everything on sight!" She chased after the dog. "Sit!"

And to her surprise the dog plopped its ass down on the floor where it stood. Mireille skidded onto her bedroom floor and wanted to cry. "It's finally listening to me..."

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