Chapter 26

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The next the Mireille was up and out of bed. Today would be her first class with the rest of the black collars. Technically she was still apart of her former classes, and would have her exams with them but her normal classes would be with the rest of the black collars who were all in at last their third year at the academy.

"Hey, what're we doing today?" Mireille whispered to Donovan.

He shrugged, "dunno. The headmaster just decides on a whim. No one ever knows what we do."

Donovan explained that there was rarely any textbook work and most times, the entire class was just the group dealing with the headmaster's shit. Then again, when the headmaster does actually teach them something it was usually something quite useful and would take up to a month for the entire class to fully understand the concept.

On the opposite side of the coin, was the students self teaching. Each of the black collared students had other classes and exams to prepare for, so they usually approached other teachers to ask for the material and would then teach themselves the stuff.

Mireille's thoughts were then interrupted by the headmaster who put his hands right up to her ear to clap. "Ah! I got her attention."

The headmaster's untimely appearance and laid back attitude made Mireille want to smack him. He was horribly irresponsible and didn't take care of his students, she wouldn't be surprised if half of the class were failing everything but their practical tests.

"Now! Everyone, we'll be heading outside of the academy for today! To play around in Asphodel Meadows, let's all go have fun!"

The class became silent. They weren't surprised, just mildly inconvenienced. This so-called headmaster of their's was a little more than eccentric. Why would he drag a bunch of teenagers to the death field of asphodel meadows. A lot of monsters lived their and it was near impossible to guess their numbers.

Mireille felt slightly scared as well. She'd been there for some quests as an adventurer but really wasn't confident going there without access to her magic or to her sword. It was almost certain that she'd die if she were to be left unguarded.

"Hey, Donovan." She tugged on the older boy's sleeve. "Do have a sword that I could borrow?"

"Nope. Just ask the headmaster to make one with his magic."

"I kinda don't want to..."

"Here we go!" The headmaster plopped a simple sword in Mireille's hands. He smiled with a slight glint in his eyes. Cheeky. Too cheeky. Mireille felt like slicing off the mischievous old man's long elf ears. But she held back. "Let's set off!"

Only a mere moment passed yet Mireille could feel her body being lifted into the air and then feel it being dragged down by gravity. They had instantly teleported to Asphodel Meadows.

Even after teleporting so many people at once the quirky old elf was still up and skipping round the cold, frost sprinkled fields. Who gave him the idea of coming here in the middle of winter??

"Now, today's task is to hunt as many monsters as possible. We'll be making magic tools out of their materials tomorrow so have fun!"

Donovan strodeoff to be with the rest of his buddies while Mireille stayed where she stood devising a plan. "Hey, shrimpy! Ya coming or not?"

"Sorry, I was just thinking how I'd beat the monsters without my magic."

"Man, aren't you a little strategist, your highness." A lilac haired girl peered over Donovan's shoulders. "Never would've thought a princess would have any need for a sword." She mocked.

"Hey, hey. Shrimpy may be royalty but she's also one of us now! So calm down and act as ya shud as her senior, Fianna!"

"Oh, why don't you shut up." Fianna snapped.

"Also, I'm just 12. I'm still in the middle of growing."

Fianna couldn't help but scoff. She wasn't the only one in the group who didn't welcome Mireille, in fact, almost the entire group despised the Lysithean Royalty. "Here me now!" She pointed at Mireille. "I, Fianna MacLaine, won't accept you as a black collar! Who knows if you're a spy for them."

Mireille laughed almost scornfully, "Not my problem." She smiled. "Anyway, the headmaster dropped us dead in the middle of the meadow. If we want good materials we best be going west ward."

Fianna glared at the young girl, she felt as if her spot as a black collar was stolen by Mireille. "Why, why, why?! Everything of mine has already been stolen by the five pillars! What more do you want?!" She thought the girl was detestable.

"Heyyy, Fianna are you coming?" Mireille called with a frown.

"That's Miss MacLaine to you!" Fianna berated.

Soon Mireille's group arrived at the western side of the meadows, and like Mireille had said there were more monsters with better materials on this side.

"Hey, shrimpy!" A brown haired boy named Terrence Saller called for Mireille, copying Donovan.

"I'm still growing!" Mireille spun around as she slashed through a man-eating flower. She knelt down to collect it's core and some of it's petals of killing it.

"How'd you know that such a gold mine was here in Asphodel Fields?"

"Yeah, I bet were gettin' loads more than the other right 'bout now! Shrimpy, you did us good!" Donovan chuckled as he ruffled the petite girl's hair.

What was Mireille suppose to say? "Oh, yeah I'm an A-Class adventurer and I come here to hunt when I need money but can't use Claude D'Argents!" No. She was most certainly not going to say that.

"Oh, it's just textbook knowledge... I got really into looking up the meadows since I heard a lot of Lysithean adventurers had trouble with this place." Mireille lied through her teeth.

"Hmph! That's all snooty nobles like you are capable of doing anyway." Fianna snorted and pushed Mireille aside and blasted a monster away with a gust of wind. "You can't even sense the monster behind you!"

Mireille giggled, "Thanks Fianna!"

But Fianna just huffed and strode away. "Still not opening up, huh?" Mireille thought.

Soon the day was over and the headmaster teleported everyone back to the academy. "WOOOOOOOO!! OUR GROUP GOT THE BEST MATERIALS!!" Donovan cried along with Terrence.

Mireille simply grinned at the childishness of her seniors. Was it really that exciting? She sighed as she walked off towards the dorm to clean off after fighting monsters all day.


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