Chapter 24

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"And... He called Claude D'Argent over."

"Say what now?"

Alfred handed Mireille a green magic core. That was engraved with all sorts of character's from the Sigilium language. Letters for a transformation spell? "Here. Take it. It's just for safety measures... Just in case that man uses this opportunity for that."

Mireille shook as she listened to her brother speak. "You mean... That man'll make me a black collar?"

Alfred nodded hesitantly. Black collars was the Kingdom of Lysithea's way of restraining people who posed a threat to the five pillars family's rule. They claimed that it was to restrain overly powerful magician from hurting those around them but those were nothing but lies.

"I'm afraid you might not be able to keep up the spell and your silver hair will be revealed."

The black collars were well, collared citizens of Lysithea. The collar cannot be removed without the permission of the five pillar families. Essentially, the collar was imbued with extremely powerful dark elemental magic from the Belmont's archives. The dark magic then restrained the circulation of mana inside the wearer and left them completely magicless.

Dark elemental magic was basically debuffing magic, and light magic was buffing magic.

Mireille clutched the transparent stone in her hands, and the hid it in her clothes. As if on cue Claude D'Argent burst through the door along with Kian la Reial, Marie Fylan, and the headmaster trailing behind him.


Marie Fylan falsely gasped when as she watched Claude D'Argent slap Mireille across the face. The room immediately dropped a few degrees as Alfred D'Argent's face contorted into madness. Mireille blankly squeezed his hand to reassure him.

"I thought I had taught you better." Claude D'Argent glanced at Alfred who was dominating the room with his rewriting phenomena and was immediately disgusted by his face who resembled his brother's so much. "I had thought about doing this when you first lost control of your mana... But I have no choice now."

He signaled for a servant, who brought in a dark collar on a silver platter. Mireille closed her eyes as Claude D'Argent fastened the collar around her, but she still didn't say a word. She could feel the collar's instantaneous effects. It was like she had been punched in the gut the pain of her mana circuits being sealed was too much.

But she didn't flinch, Mireille just bit down on her inner lip as strong as possible, the horrible metallic taste of blood filled her mouth.

Kian could only watch with a guilty look on his face. Perhaps he really hadn't seen clearly and was wrongly blaming her.

As Claude D'Argent finished putting on the collar he glanced over at Roy Aizen, who quickly escorted everyone out of the room.

"Alright." He clapped. "Let's leave his grace and Mireille alone for awhile."

Alfred's glares seemed to claw into the Archduke's flesh, but he was quickly dragged away by the headmaster. When Mireille and himself were the only one's left in the room, Claude D'Argent put his hand up to Mireille's swollen cheek.

"Does it hurt?" Mireille didn't respond. "You're right to be mad at me... But if I convince the other head's of the five pillar families to release the collar, you'll be free."

What blatant lies he spouts. Those were the only words Mireille could think. She knew what he wanted. If Claude D'Argent had Mireille in his palm Alfred would fall into his trap as well. She hated that she had to submit herself to this man and play the role of his cute daughter.

"I'm okay..." Mireille said, teary eyed. "It only hurts a little."

"Father's sorry... But the other five pillars found out and it was a collective decision. Father will convince them somehow." He said in a monotonous voice.

Mireille smiled with a look of pain in her eyes. She hated this disgusting bastard to the core, and she hated Marie Fylan in the same way. "Please, father. I just wanted to become well versed in magic to help you in the future... But, I lost control of my emotions, and, and, that happened." Mireille felt like choking on her disgustingly sweet words. Father? She never even considered this man to be related to her.

"Luis Fylan's daughter is scheming like him... Keep an eye on her."

"Yes... I'll be sure to do that."

"Well, I must be off to the Argent's territory. I've some business and disputes to settle there."

"I hope you do have safe journey, father." Not. Is what Mireille thought.

And then Claude D'Argent left, leaving the door wide open. After saluting to Claude D'Argent Alfred quickly rushed to Mireille's side. He made Mireille move her face from side to side, checking her swollen cheek.

Meanwhile, Marie cried into Kian once more. "I sorry this had to happen Mireille... But I hope that you'll take this as some sort of lesson and that I will be the first and only target of your actions."

"A lesson? Lessons are taught to those who do wrong. Remember that, won't you?"

"Mireille!" Kian pulled Marie closer. "Stop."

"Now, now. Since Mireille has been collared, I'm afraid there must be some changes..." The headmaster interrupted.

"There you are! Mireille D'Argent! My father will hear about this, and I'll be sure that you'll stay as a black collar for the rest of your life!"

Mireille scoffed at Williams' bold statement. "My father will hear about this!" She mocked. Who was he? Draco Malfoy?


Fredrick Belmont suddenly smacked his brother on the head. "That's enough, she's already been collared. Headmaster, Lady Argent, I apologize for my brother's rude display." He tipped his head in apology.

"It's no big matter, but I'm afraid Mireille and I best be going." The headmaster strutted over and took hold of Mireille's hand. In that moment Mireille, and all the furniture in her room had disappeared.

"Mireille?! Urgh!" Alfred panicked as he fell from the lack of bed. He stalked up to Marie Fylan and with angered red eyes he threatened. "If anything happens to Mireille. Don't be surprised if death happens to find you."

Marie quickly stepped back and hid behind Kian.

"It would serve Mireille right if the headmaster punished her! She could've killed Kian, Marie, and everyone else in the cafe! Your parents should be ashamed to have raised such daring children!" Williams shouted insensitively, waking everyone else in the dorm. But Alfred paid no mind to the words of the green haired youth and walked out of the dorm.

"Will!" Kian and Fredrick scolded. "Do you know how insensitive that was?"

"You're saying I should be nice to someone who could've killed Marie and Kian?"

"Those two... They've lost their parents long ago! How could you not know that?! That pair of siblings only have each other now! From the looks of it, Lord Argent doesn't seem to care much for them. Yet you? You're bad mouthing both Mireille and Alfred's parents right to Alfred's face!"

"So...?" Williams asked, a little guilty.

"You're an idiot, Will." -pak- Lorraine Belmont angrily threw a her pillow at her brother.

"Hey! What was that for?!"

"Why don't you insensitive brats get the hell out of our dorm, or I'll send you off to visit Dauus himself." Calla groggily stepped out of her room.

"YES! MA'AM!" All the first years who didn't live in this dorm scurried out. Though Calla Ceto looked as if she were constantly smiling that was most definitely part of being a selkie. She looked like a constantly smiling seal. But let's be real, her threats were definitely more frightening while she smiles.

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