Chapter 19

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The four found a nice little shop to have lunch at for academy. They talked over lunch, Mireille discovered that Calla was a selkie, and that Lief was a garuda.


Another group walked into the shop. "This place is really good if you don't want to get food from the caf!" The tallest boy explained. He turned and caught view of the other group sitting in the shop. "Alfred, Calla, Lief!"

With the tall blond boy, was Kian la Reial, the Fylan twins, and the Belmont triplets.

"Hey, Lachlan! Come eat with us, we have Alfred's baby sister with us!" Lief called as he peered over his chair.

Mireille could only silently retort in her mind. That aside, she glanced at the tall boy who was clearly leading the group. Lachlan la Reial. He was Kian's one and only brother, Lachlan was older by two years and in-game, he only saw Marie Fylan as a little sister until he realized his feelings.

It was simply wonderful for Mireille to surround herself with death flags and capture targets. Wonderful.

The two groups sat together as Lief suggested. They all began chatting away happily however Alfred could only be annoyed by the Fylan twins' presences. He knew his sister had never liked the so-called "play dates" that man had forced her to attend, he'd long picked up the air that Mireille disliked the pair of pink and blonde haired girls sitting with them.

However Calla, Lief, and the rest of the children were oblivious to this and cheerfully began introductions. Calla Ceto clung onto Mireille as she introduced her. "This is Alfred's little sister!"

Mireille smiled a picture perfect smiled as she gracefully greeted the rest of the group. "Mireille D'Argent, how do you do?"

"Marie and Lilia Fylan!"

"Kian and Lachlan la Reial." The brothers nodded slightly as they introduced themselves.

Then we're the Belmonts. The green haired boy stood up. "I'm Williams Belmont. This is Fredrick and Lorraine! We're triplets!" He said with a big toothy grin.

"A pleasure." The dark haired boy dipped into a slight bow as he put his hand across his chest. The youngest of the Belmont triplets simply smiled.

"And I'm sure everyone here knows Alfred, Calla, and Lief." Lachlan announces.

Then everyone began their own side conversations. Kian chose a seat next to Calla and Mireille. A horrid choice in Mireille's mind. Who came along with him? Marie Fylan.

"It's nice to see you again." Kian greeted as he took his seat.

"Yes, a pleasant surprise."

He smiled at the same polite yet, aloof tone that Mireille had used. He was glad that the girl didn't change her attitude despite discovering his identity. The two continued to exchange pleasantries and small talk, but Marie Fylan kept jumping in. Meanwhile Calla insisted of feeding Mireille sweet desserts and pastries.

Alfred looked at the clock and took note of the time and dissolved the meeting.

The group of first years all had their next class with each other and went together.

This time Marie Fylan successfully pulled Kian la Reial away from Mireille D'Argent. Mireille didn't mind and took a seat in the back, while the rest of the group sat in the middle.

-tmp, tmp, tmp-

Swift, rhythmic footsteps.

"SAFEEEE!!" Exclaimed a golden haired elf, as she pulled a dizzied undine girl behind her.

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