Chapter 14

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I stand outside the Fylan Mansion, all dolled up. Cute 1000 amirite? I can already feel the hate and dread bleeding through my pores. Fuck the heroine and the Fylan house. Regradless, I've already been welcomed into the mansion and am currently in the waiting room.

I can here some footsteps shuffling around outside the door and set down my tea cup. And as I thought, in came Archduke Fylan with two little girls following close behind him.

"I'm glad you could make it, Lady Argent."

"The pleasure is mine, Your Grace."

The Archduke nods and turns to his daughters, "These are my daughters."

"Hello, I'm Lilia Fylan. Please call me Lily." The blonde one greets.

"And I'm Marie Fylan, it's a pleasure to meet you." The second follows.

I curtsy once more, "I'm Mireille D'Argent. I do hope we'll get along."

The Archduke chuckles, assures me that we will and leaves. The two girls and I sit around the table and we chat over tea. I then "discover" that the two are twins, and "learn" that we have the same birthday. Magical, 'tis simply a world filled with wondrous events! No. Y'all are just characters in a game and I know your tragic backstories™.

But being the smart and flawless non-villainess that I am, I obviously use this to my advantage to fucking survive. You see in the original plot (as previously explained) the first time Mireille meets Marie she spills tea on her host and royally screws up her reputation and everyone believes she's an asshole.

Haha. Not this time. Tea party manners dictate that guests aren't supposed to pour their hosts tea anyway. So I just won't pour tea for anyone, easy way to avoid absolute disaster and seeming like an ass.

We continue to talk but miss heroine gets more and more restless as time goes on. But my brain can only think that she's an NPC who can't proceed with her next set of actions and dialogue because the trigger event hasn't occurred yet. Never. Never in a million years will you get that trigger event, ahaHAHAHAHA!

"Is something the matter Marie?" I ask dying of laughter on the inside.

"No, no. Nothing at all. Would you care for another cup Mireille?" I watch as her eyes shift from left to right, getting more and more anxious with each passing second.

I smile, "Thank you, but I'm fine. My cup is still full, perhaps I shall have another later." Upon hearing this, Lilia offers me some snacks instead an I agree. We pass the day without a single incident and the twins see me out. For some strange reason Marie pulls me into a hug and mutters on about how much she wishes for me to visit again, you know the thing that girls do when they're parting? But for some strange reason my gut tells me "no." Before I could let go of her, Marie Fylan rips herself from my arms and throws herself down the steps.

I react quickly and reverse our positions. I pull Marie Fylan back up, push her onto the porch with wind magic, and fall down in her stead.

Lilia flinches at the sight of me falling, and the maid who accompanied me here hurriedly rushed down to check on me. "My lady!"

Lilia follows her down whining as if the whole situation was her fault. "Mireille, dear Vita and Dauss! Are you alright?"

"I'm not hurt. I'm just glad that it's I who fell and not Marie." I look towards Marie Fylan and watch as she angrily clenches her jaw before immediately switching back to a worried face.

"Mireille, I'm so sorry! It was my clumsiness who caused your fall!" She tears up a little, with fantabulous acting skills.

I hold her hand and assure her that I'm fine as long as she's unhurt, and her character seems to fall apart a little. She can only smile to improvise her act, she insists that I return to the mansion to have their doctor look at me and I refuse, saying that it's only my clothes that have been dirtied.

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