Chapter 16

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The young lady walked into the written exam hall after being directed their by the receptionists. Empty. Except for one man. Though old and grumpy looking, anyone would be able to identify him. Oriel Illeron. He was a renown wizard who had created and developed about a hundred spells at his time at the academy. Note that this is just his time at the academy, which was long for a human, but short for an elemental like him.

Sixty three years.

Despite being an elemental and possessing strong innate magic people refer to him as a wizard because of the advancements he's made in magical technology. In fact most of the academy's defense sigils, formations, and technology were invented by the stout old man sitting at the front of the exam hall. That was the amazing sort of professor that could be found at the academy, and Oriel Illeron was just one of the many teachers here.

Mireille continued into the exam hall she noticed the intricate sigils and magic circles at each seat. Studying them out of curiosity, she also couldn't help but wonder about the old wizard at the front of them room. She had recognized him from a portrait in a book, but didn't know much about him aside from his achievements.

"Take a seat lassie. Just activate one of the blue sigils where you sit and you'll get your exam." He announced casually smoking a cigar. "When you're done just activate a yellow sigil, it'll collect your exam."

Mireille did as told and marveled at the complexity of the magic. She shook her head to clear it and got to work. She answered the questions and reviewed her answers, fixing them as she went along. Normal, standardized testing. When she was done she activated the yellow sigil, and her exam dissolved in a slight gold light.

She got up and the old man pointed her way out. However as she got up Mireille couldn't help but notice the still empty rows of desks. Not one person had come in while she was writing the written component.

Th old man took another puff of his cigar and sighed, "It's not quite the other children lassie. It's you. Even if someone else collected badges as quickly as you, it usually takes kids you age multiple tries to find the exit. Especially since it's the first time a lot of these kids have been in a spatial void field. Your aptitude is sky high, even among non-human races girlie."

The young girl standing in the room could only cock her head to side, a little confused. Sure, she had an advantage because she was reincarnated, but she wasn't any sort of a prodigy. She immediately flashed back to her use of magic at the mere age of one. It was kind of flimsy, but let's be real. Most human children don't start using magic until they're about six to seven years in age.

Another flashback, Mireille D'Argent was now the most well known adventurers in the capital. Specifically an A Rank. Very highly ranked. Only second to S Rank adventurers which, in total, could only amount to the number of fingers on each hand. This was the amount of S Ranks across all human countries the guild was affiliated with. All. Human. Countries.

Alright, she thought. Maybe I'm a cheat in this world. But instead she just shrugged it off and walked out of the exam hall and into the school yard.

Alfred had already told her about all the good ditching spots, and places the professors would never check for students. She glanced at the rustic school clock tower. Two hours 'til people from the Argent Estate came to pick her up.

With a mischievous smile, and a slight glint in her eye. Mireille skipped along. Looking for all of her brother's good "nap spots." She had two hour to kill. Two hours. She could slowly waltz her way around the vast school grounds and still make it to the school gates on time.

She remembered her brother's recommendations. The garden next to the library. Good shade, close to the cafe, lots of places to hide, and... people only attend to the garden once a week, when classes aren't running. An ideal spot for napping and skipping.

When she arrived she was greeted by an arranged array of tall bushes. Each row outlining a path. A maze. Excellent choice for hiding. Most of all, it was nearly impossible to spot someone in the maze if they weren't in the center of it. Mireille wasted no time. Using anti gravity and wind magic to fly her way to the center of the maze.

In the center of the maze was a tree. Mireille lay on the shady side of the tree. She lay there unmoving, and eventually her ineffable boredom swept her away to sleep.

Just then, a young blond haired boy had finished his written exam. He was a tad disappointing he didn't finished first in the practical exam, but he was confident in his results for the written component.

He too, wanted to slack off before the maids and guards would come to the academy to pick him up. And like Mireille D'Argent, he too had a brother at the academy who had told him all the good slacking spots. He was told by his brother that a certain section of the library wasn't in use, making it a perfect spot. On his way there he noticed the garden and decided he preferred the sunny maze in comparison to a dusty library.

The boy slowly weaved his way through the maze, and soon enough he found the center. He eagerly climbed up the tree, wanting to take a nap up there. Unfortunately for the girl napping beneath, the boy lost his footing and promptly landed on her. The girl jerked awake and let out a high pitched shriek.

"Dear Dauss, what have I done to upset you...?" The girl moaned, tired and hurt.

The boy quickly got up and rushed to the girl. "I'm so sorry! Dear Vita, you're hurt! This is all my fault, let me bring you to the school infirmary! I'm sure they have a healer there," the boy babbled on and on.

The girl finally couldn' take his worrying and smiled despite the slight pain. "I'm fine, I can use healing magic myself. By any chance... are you hurt?"

Indeed, the boy had scrapped his knee on his adventurous way down the tree. But he could only laugh awkwardly in response.

"Here, let me." The girl said as she cast

A familiar warm feeling infiltrated, and he unconsciously unsealed some old memories.

"Man, I'm so sorry. I'm the one who hurt you, yet you healed me as well. Is there any way I can pay you back?"

The girl straightened her back a little, "No need, it's what I should do."

The girl glanced at the clock tower. "I should be going, my people will be coming to pick me up. Bye." She waved slightly as she walked off.

The boy watched as she walked into the maze. He didn't know who she was. For the young girl rarely appeared in public. As for her? She was a sheltered child who didn't even know the faces of people from the five pillar families. She received the majority of her information from her brother.

But then again, she couldn't be blamed. The boy had hid his eyes. Stunning violet to a pretty azure.

Unfortunately for the girl, those violet eyes were they key identifying feature about the young capture target. Those violet eyes were the symbol of the Royal family, the symbol of Kian la Reial.

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