How You Meet: Part One

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(Y/N) wasn't meant to meet Oliver, her brother had worked so hard in order to keep her from meeting the former playboy. In fact, he sent her out of the city whenever Oliver was coming, but one visit that Barry didn't know was happening, allowed her to meet the vigilante.

"Bartholomew!" (Y/N) exclaimed, storming the STAR labs cortex. "Did you seriously lock me in my room?"

"How did you get out?!" Barry exclaimed back.

"I learnt how to sneak out of the window when I was 13" (Y/N) said, "Sorry, Joe"

"Oh, honey, I knew" Joe smiled.

"Whose this?" Oliver asked.

"I'm (Y/N) West" (Y/N) said, smiling at Oliver, "You must be the infamous Vigilante my brother likes to work with"

"The names Oliver" The hero smiled.

"Nice to meet you"

Barry sighed, defeated as his little sister finally met the Queen boy he tried desperately to keep from her...


Time Travel is the most dangerous thing, especially for speedsters. Barry didn't expect to run into a Legend while trying to save his friend from pending doom. "Flash" (Y/N) Exclaimed.

"Who are you?" Barry asked.

"A friend" (Y/N) said, "I'm with the Legends"

"Sara Lance's crew?" Barry asked.

"No, King Arthurs knights of the round table. Yes, of course, Sara Lance's crew" (Y/N) sighed. "Though I technically am a Knight of King Arthur, I'm here to ask for your help"

"I am kind of busy here," Barry said.

"I can tell" (Y/N) said, with the flick of her hand, the entire world seemed to stop. Barry spun around, watching everything come to a halt. "Time Travel for speedsters is against the law now, Barry, the Breau will have you arrested before you can save your friends, and then what?"

"How are you doing this?" Barry asked.

"Long story, the short version is, I am a legend" (Y/N) Shrugged. "I'll help you save your friends, you help me find my parents"

"That's what you want in return? You save my friends, I'll help you find every single family member in existence" Barry said.

"That's how much your friends mean to you?" (Y/N) asked.

"Yes," Barry said.

"Than let's get to it" (Y/N) said. They began walking past the paused people, heading towards the threat.

"By the way, what's your name?" Barry asked.

"(Y/N). (Y/N) Wilson"


The legends had just lost another team member, now that they were down 3 members, they began looking for a new recruit. Sara had an old League friend that was looking to start a new life, somewhere her father's legacy didn't haunt her, and that life was on the waverider.

"Guys this is Kayani Raatko, but she'll go by (Y/N) from this day forward" Sara introduced.

"Hi, welcome to the waverider" Ray greeted, "I feel like we met before"

"I'm Nyssa's half-sister" (Y/N) said, "I helped break you out of my step-father's jail cell"

"Right," Ray said.

"Well, she's leaving the league behind and well be helping us keep the timeline intact" Sara smiled. "You guys can introduce yourselves"

"The names Leonard Snart" Leonard stepped in, "Welcome to the team"

"Happy to be here"


(Y/N) shot up, ready to throw fire, but she realized everyone around her had been knocked out as well. She started looking around at the people on the ground with her, "What the hell?" She asked, "Dad?"

"(Y/N)?" Mick Rory sat up, "What the hell?"

"Where on earth are we?" Martin Stein asked.

"Why don't you ask the guy who brought us," Jefferson Jackson said, "British dude in a trench coat with a flashy thing"

"The names Rip Hunter..." The spiel went on, and as Rip left the group, (Y/N) memorized the address Rip wanted them to go to if they want to join his mission.

"You're not thinking of actually going?" Mick asked her.

"Oh, what dad? You don't want me to save the future for your grandchildren" (Y/N) said.

"You aren't even married, no children" Mick grumbled. Ray stepped up beside her, looking at the card.

"Hey, aren't you dead?" (Y/N) asked.

"Presumed," Ray said. "Raymond Palmer"

"(Y/N) Rory" (Y/N) smiled. 

Mick grumbled and grabbed his daughters arm, "Come on, little blaze" Mick glared at Ray, "Stay away from my daughter"

As (Y/N), Mick, and Leonard walked away, (Y/N) turned around an gestured for Ray to call her. Ray blushed and smiled. "Careful buddy, her dad likes fire"


The DEO was working on getting government approval of investigating an alien trafficking ring, and in order to get on the good side of government officials, James called in the sister of his ex-girlfriend, (Y/N) Lane, a CIA agent who had pull not only with her father but other government officials.

"Welcome to the DEO, Agent Lane" J'onn shook the younger Lane sister's hand. 

"It's a pleasure, Director J'onzz" (Y/N) smiled. Kara stepped up.

"Agent Lane, it's an honour to meet you" Kara shook (Y/N)'s hand.

"The honour is mine, Supergirl. I will admit, you and your cousin are.. my heroes" (Y/N) said. "Your cousin saved me from a building fire in Metropolis when I was 18, and you actually saved me from another building falling on me a year ago"

"Oh," Kara smiled, "Well, your welcome?"

"(Nickname)" James walked over, "It's good to see you"

"Jimmy" (Y/N) smiled, "You owe me a six-pack"

"I know" James chuckled. "I want you to meet my good friend, Winn Schott, Winn this is (Y/N) Lane"

"Hello" Winn smiled, "I handle tech here"

"Right, Lucy mentioned you" (Y/N) smiled, "It's a pleasure to meet you"



Max Lord was kidnapped by CADMUS to get technology to use against aliens, so Supergirl called out to his sister to help her find him. "Miss Lord, Please calm down," J'onn said.

"How am I supposed to be calm? My stupid brother got himself kidnapped by an anti-alien organization" (Y/N) said, "I knew that stupid kryptonite creation would get him killed"

"Max isn't dead" Kara tried to talk to the Lord girl.

"He is if he gets back to me" (Y/N) said, "Always blaming everyone for his mistakes"

"Hey" James came in, he stopped when he saw (Y/N), "Oh, Hi"

"Hi" (Y/N) was also taken back. "I'm (Y/N) Lord"

Kara and J'onn looked at each other, sort of realizing together what was happening. "James. James Olsen" James smiled.

"We're going to check if there's any news on CADMUS," Kara said, "Could you help (Y/N) with her brother's tech? In case we need to use it against CADMUS"

"Sure" James smiled.

Kara and J'onn rushed out, Kara peaked back one last time and saw James sort of getting flirty with (Y/N). Kara smirked and walked off. "They're totally going to get together"

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