Asking You To Move In: Part Two

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(Y/N) had just moved into a new house just on the border of the city, she was surprising Slade by moving him in. "Dad!" (Y/N) called, "Where did you put my pictures!?"

"Your father just left to grab more of your stuff from your old place," Slade said. (Y/N) spun around.

"Hey" (Y/N) smiled.

"Hi," Slade said, "This is a nice house" 

"You think?" (Y/N) asked, putting a box in her closet. 

"Why did you chose a house so far from the city though?" Slade asked.

"Well... You have been couch surfing since you came back to Star City, I was hoping this could be... our home" (Y/N) bit her lip. 

"You want me to move in with you?" Slade asked.

"Yea" (Y/N) said. "Do you want to?"

"Of course, love" Slade smiled, walking over and kissing her. 

"Yay!" Thea peaked her in. "I ship it! Give me nieces and nephews!"



Malcolm just sold (Y/N)'s flat, moving her into their house. So they didn't really ask each other to move in. So...


Tommy had been living with Thea and Oliver since his father caused the earthquake in the Glades, so whenever he could, he would stay at (Y/N)'s place.

Finally (Y/N) asked him to move in. "Okay, what about Diana?" Tommy asked.

"She would love having you around all the time" (Y/N) put her glass of wine around. "Plus it would help me out" 

"Are you absolutely positive?" Tommy asked.

"Of course, babe"  (Y/N) kissed him.

"Okay, I'll move in"


Living dozens of earth away from each other sucks. So Clark decided it was time to move in together, he attempted asking you twice, but both times were interrupted by a hostage situation or hospital nearly crumbling to the ground.

Team Arrow had come to E-38 for Alex's birthday, which was basically just game night but with cake.  

"Hey" (Y/N) skipped over to Clark, throwing her arms around him and kissing him. 

"Hi" Clark smiled. "How have you been?"

"Great, I got to kick Deathstrokes ass again recently" (Y/N) said, "It's been a weird week"

"I want to ask you something," Clark said.

"(Y/N)! I need help with this cake" Kara said.

"Hold that though, Clark, we can talk in a minute" (Y/N) kissed his cheek.

"Wai- ah" Clark huffed. 

"Hey, are you okay?" Alex and Oliver walked over.

"Uh, yea" Clark said, "I have been trying to ask (Y/N) to move in with me for weeks"

"Awe" Alex coo'd. 

"Why haven't you?" Oliver asked.

"We just keep getting interrupted," Clark said, "being a superhero in a relationship is hard"

"Amen," Oliver said. "Just ask her after the cake, don't let anything else interrupt you"

"I'll try" Clark sighed.

"Okay! Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you Alex, happy birthday to you!" Everyone joined in, Alex smiled before blowing out the candles.

"Thank you guys," Alex said.

"Okay, cut the cake" (Y/N) cheered, "I'll grab the plates"

"Hey, honey" Clark stopped her.

"(Y/N), help me with the plates and forks" Lena said.

"I need to help" (Y/N) said.

"Move in with me," Clark said, everyone around them froze. "I've been trying to ask that for 3 weeks"

"Oh" (Y/N) smiled, "Of course, Clark!"

(Y/N) wrapped her arms around him, kissing him. "One more step to the alter" 


It was just after Rip and (Y/N) got official. He usually fell asleep in the captain's chair or his office, so (Y/N) usually had to wake him and bring him to his room, in the morning, she would usually have to drag herself back to her room to change, so it became a tiring ritual.

One morning, Rip had woken up before her, he was thinking over everything and decided it might be worth it.

When (Y/N) woke up Rip smiled, "I have an idea," He said.

"Oh god Rip, it's too early for your ideas" (Y/N) groaned.

"It's a good idea," He said, "Move in with me"

"I technically already live with you" (Y/N) smiled.

"Yes, but move your stuff into here, so you never have to trudge to your room in the morning" Rip smiled.

"Okay" (Y/N) smiled, "I'll move in with you" 



(Y/N)'s father and uncle had run off and joined the legends, leaving  (Y/N)'s only real connections to Central City being her Aunt who was officially part of Team Flash. So when Roy came for a visit and realized he didn't really need to, he decided to ask her to move in.

"My beautiful queen" Roy greeted, kissing her, "How I've missed you" 

"I've missed you too" (Y/N) smiled. 

"I have a question before we head to the Lab," Roy said, "Want to move in with me?"

"What? Really?" (Y/N) asked.

"Yes, your father is time travelling with your uncle, your aunt is happy with Cisco, move to Star City with me," Roy said.

"Took you long enough"

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