Something Cute They Do To Keep You With Them At All Times

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Oliver keeps a photo of both of you at the beach with him in his wallet. He always said on the island, he had a photo of Laurel to remind him of his home, so now he keeps a photo of you to remind him of his new home.


He kept a jewel from the bracelet you wore on your first date. It had broken a few weeks later, and he kept it. He had it in his favourite jacket, making sure to never lose it.

Who knows what he might use it for in the future?


He carved your nickname into his gun, he said seeing it kept him sane at moments his emotions got a hold of him.


He had you chose a lighter from anywhere in the world, you chose a simple black zippo lighter from. He carved your nickname into it and keeps it with him at all times. He had to use it while he was in the Cretaceous period, so he likes to say you saved him.


He actually made a new software for tracking criminals and named it Hittronic. National City, Metropolis, and DC began using the same software, but he had a more personalized version of it.


He had a small compartment added to his suit where he stored a photo of you and him. He says on slow nights, he'll be waiting for action and stare at the photo, telling himself 'You better make it home to her tonight'


He had your codename carved into a pair of dog tags, one was for you and the other was for his sons. He always, always wore them.


He got you matching daggers. One had his code name 'Archer' carved into it, and the other had 'Tigress' carved into it.


Tommy got a keychain with two canaries on it, both to symbolize you and Diana. He doesn't have keys on it, but he always has it.


He had Kara help him make a Kryptonian house glyph for the Queens. It looked like a crown and arrowhead. So when it was created, he had it stitched into his cape where no one except him would see it. 


He kept a photo of you in his trench coat alongside a photo of Miranda and Jonas. He would take them out together whenever he was feeling upset or weak, he even kept them when he was Phil, though he didn't know who was in the photos.


He had a locket chain with a photo of you in your mask and uniform attached to his bow, so whenever he was out on the field, he had you with him. If the chain broke, Felicity or Dig would end up helping him replace it

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